Ok friends,

We need your help here.

There are several polls being circulated. One is by AP and the other by Time Magazine... there may be others. These "new" polls that have just emerged like a well timed and coordinated attack are inconsistent with all other polls we have seen on this issue.

We need three things.

1. Help us collect these biased polls here in this thread.
2. We need to analyze these polls and find out all we can about them. Who did the polls? Who was sampled? How was the question worded?
3. We need to locate any and all polls that refute the findings of these polls.


The Open Borders Lobby pulled the same trick here in NC during the In-State Tuition Battle. They launched a bogus poll out of Elon University claiming that a majority of North Carolinians supported the measure. The truth was that over 80% opposed.

We can fight this. The question that remains is can we do what was done here in NC on a national level.

I believe we can but we need those of you that are some of our best information trackers and researchers on this task above all others. ALIPAC must analyze and plan a reaction to this deceptive move by the elites backing Open Borders.

We know the truth. We know the public does not support this. We need to frame our counter argument and prepare a counter attack fast. We should hold off on sending the candidates the message to come out against Guest Worker till we diffuse these bogus polls.