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What do you think of U.S. traffic ticket data being processed in Mexico?

This is nuts! The same government that can't profile or deport illegals can send my personal profile to Mexico 54.82% (139

Madness prevails in America's corridors of power 37.14% (947)

Maybe this is what the NAFTA superhighway is all about 3.76% (96)

These are obviously jobs Americans won't do 1.53% (39)

If this is being done to save money, I'd rather pay a higher fine for my ticket than have my personal information sent to Mexico 1.22% (31)

Other 0.71% (1

I'm sure proper security measures have been taken – many industries outsource their data processing without any problem 0.35% (9)

What's wrong with that? 0.27% (7)

Maybe now, people will be more careful how they drive so they don't get ticketed 0.12% (3)

It's xenophobic to suggest there could be a problem – identities can be stolen in the U.S., too 0.08% (2)
