Hi, This is just a "take it or leave it" suggestion. Nothing more.

Any chance a message announcing a new poll could preface the subject line with the effective date of the poll (or the date the poll was first discovered)?

3/31/06 The XYZ Poll
instead of
The XYZ Poll

Justification: Follow on messages cause outdated polls to go to top. May have to re-look poll to see if it's still effective or outdated or "did I vote that one yet?" Time is precious. The few seconds it takes to re-read an old poll and launch a pollster's website adds up over time.

Comments about an outdated poll are important, but with so many new polls showing up, seems best to know quickly if a poll is old or new.

An even bolder suggestion would be to indicate the expiration date (if there is one) in the subject line, something like:
3/31/06 The XYZ Poll - Expires 4/1/06

The above is just a suggestion, nothing more.