The Mexican President is defending illegal immigration by Mexicans to the U.S.A. at the same time he hypocritically places his army on Mexico's southern border to prevent northward immigration into Mexico. Please explain why northbound immigration is only good for Mexicans not Mexico.
President Hypocrite, oops, I mean Calderon, is calling for U.S. Presidential candidates to "Stop holding Mexicans as symbolic hostages." Illegal aliens are anything but hostages, we didn't 'take' them, they are 'taking' us by defrauding our government assistance programs of billions of dollars, committing crimes and stealing our jobs while spreading diseases. Therefore I propose we release all of the illegal 'hostages' in the U.S. back to Mexico. Please take them back, we don't want or need them!
Even Head Hypocrite Calderon admits 6 million of the 11 million Mexicans in the U.S. entered our country illegally, that alone makes them criminals. They have to become professional criminals in order to stay, they have to have fraudulent Social Security numbers, false identification, etc...
Hypocrite Calderon plans a media campaign to bolster the image of migrants in the U.S. What can he show us but successful criminals if they are here illegally? Calderon wants to raise awareness of the contributions migrants make to the U.S. such as the expansion of MS 13 and their success at taking over the illicit drug trade, I'm impressed, aren't you?
A member of the Institute of Mexicans Abroad described the new group run by Mexican Americans as aimed at "defending our rights...while not allowing media attacks on...Mexicans." They ignore the fact the U.S. has a thing called the Constitution that guarantees our right to free speech. The Pro-illegal alien stance of the Tampa Tribune makes me wonder, is the Tribune willing to surrender the right to free speech to censors from Mexico? Keep supporting criminals instead of U.S. Citizens and you will give away all of our rights.