Everyone send a letter of support to the Mayor of Hazleton PA.

Mayor Lou Barletta of Hazleton, Pa. has caught wind of a proposal (not yet approved) for an ordinance brought forth by a resident/activist 9Joseph Turner)in the city of San Bernardino, Ca. Turner collected enough signatures to force the the city council to put it on the next Ballot. Mayor Barletta found out about this proposal and was so impressed that he decided to propose a similar ordinance for his town Hazleton Pa. The city officials of San Bernardino,Ca tried to talk him out of it but he would not back down.
This Ordinance, "if approved" would punish those who rent housing to illegals with a fine of at least $1.000. It would also punish those who hired illegals by denial of permits and contracts. It would require business communications to be done in English and ban city funded day labor centers.
San Bernardino city officials are trying to find a way to kill the initiative.
And Get this, these same official voted against flying the US American Flag at City Hall on Flag Day, while directly across the street from City Hall flew a large Mexican flag.

You can just type in "Hazleton Pa news/topix" and click the "Forum" button at the top of the page or type in Mayor Louis Barletta and his email should be on the front.
This is a small forum so let pile in and put in all of the comments we can and let them know we`re on the side and build up some momentum.
"Illegal Immigrants" are not wanted or welcome here, By Mayor Lou Barletta of Hazleton, Pa.