Obama Justice Department to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote in Georgia
-- Karen Handel Fights to Stop It--

ATLANTA, GA (June 2, 2009) - In a recent and shockingly political move, the Obama Justice Department ordered Georgia to stop the process of verifying that voters in Georgia are indeed U.S. Citizens.

"It is a sad day for the rights of our state and for the integrity of our elections," said Karen. "I remain committed to continuing the fight for citizenship verification. In the coming days, I will consider every option available to the state, including the possibility of legal action."

This morning, Karen posted a petition on her website to tell the Obama Justice Department that Georgians support citizenship verification for voter registration. We've set a goal of collecting 10,000 signatures by next week, so please sign the petition today and ask your friends, neighbors and family members to do the same.

Join Karen Handel's fight to stop illegal aliens from voting by signing the petition now.

The ruling also prevents Georgia from even verifying that a voter actually exists. This opens the door for groups like ACORN to abuse the voter registration system.

Handel said, "The Obama Administration completely disregarded Georgia's obvious and direct interest in preventing non-citizens from voting, instead siding with the ACLU and the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF). Clearly, politics took priority over common sense and good public policy."

Committed to the integrity of our elections, Karen has said "Bring It On" in the face of this challenge. Please stand with her by signing her free and fair elections petition right now.
This is not just a fight in Georgia. If this injustice is not stopped here, it could spread nationwide and open the door to illegal aliens voting in every state. Here are a sampling of some headlines from around the country...
Obama Dept. of Justice Shows Shocking disregard for the integrity of our elections

Redstate.com, June 2, 2009
Handel Defiant after feds reject Georgia voter screening

Atlanta Journal Constitution, June 1, 2009
DOJ Opposes Georgia voter screening

UPI, June 1, 2009
Justice Dept. Rejects Ga. Prevote Citizenship Checks

The Wall Street Journal, June 1, 2009

Help Karen today. Sign the petition .

http://www.theweekly.com/news/2009/June ... liens.html