Obama's idiot Attorney General, Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court's accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms.

Here's what you need to do:

First - vote on this one.

Second - launch it to other folks and ask THEM to vote - then we will see if the results get published.

The Question is:

"Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?"

Click on the link below and PLEASE vote Yes!

USATODAY.com - Quick Question

definition of a conservative - someone who doesn't waste ammunition.

"i'm a man of peace but not at any price," a great line from a western.

don't mistake my kindness and civility for weakness.

So, how's that whole "hopey changey" thing workin' out for ya?

You can avoid evil, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding evil.

"The malice of the wicked is reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous" --British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

the bottom line is the facts are the facts and the truth is the truth, i will not alter either to fit your distorted sense of reality

"From now on, when you hear Obama speak, try replacing 'let me be clear' with 'let me lie to you,' and see if it makes more sense." --columnist Jacob Sullum

i'm pushing a campaign to call obimbo and his ilk anti-freedom, anti-liberty, anti-constitutionalists to identify them for what they are. in my opinion calling them socialists or communists or fascists or nazis, which they are all that, doesn't resonate enough with the average american. but calling them anti-constitutional makes them sound exactly like what they are, anti-american. it is specific and definitive enough to make it stick. it is also distinctly american. will you support me in this and help it go viral? and i'd like to have everyone wear white shirts on thursdays to show support for the constitution.

http://www.usatoday.com/news/quickquest ... up5895.htm
