Poll: Nearly 75% Want Illegal Immigration Decreased

Thursday, October 22, 2009 1:52 PM
By: Dave Eberhart

A new national poll by CNN/Opinion Research Corporation indicates that nearly three-quarters of all Americans would like to see a decrease in the number of illegal immigrants crossing the nation’s borders.

According to CNN, 73 percent of the survey responders wanted a drop in the number of illegal immigrants -- with 22 percent saying the number should remain the same.

In other poll findings:

3 percent stated that there should be an increase in the number of illegal immigrants.

37 percent wanted to see all illegal immigrants deported.

23 percent said that the number of illegal immigrants in the country should be decreased significantly.

"Support for deporting all illegal immigrants is highest among older Americans and people who live in rural areas. It's highest in the South and Midwest and nearly as high in the Northeast, but only one in four Westerners think that all illegal immigrants should be deported," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

CNN also advised that the 73 percent figure was the highest recorded since the question was first asked four years ago.

http://www.newsmax.com/insidecover/poll ... 75703.html