When I hear our President say "These are good hard-working people who only want to work, and they will do jobs Americans aren't doing", AND...

When I hear previous Presidents pounding pulpits as they say on national television "... we need a New World Order!" AND...

When I hear Senators telling people to go take a hike when they try to back-talk an amnesty package called "path to citizenship" or "guest worker program" AND...

When I see these same stories constantly bombarding the average person who watches his/her TV and then echo it out on the streets...


We have increasing drug problems, airplanes flying into large buildings, gangs beating elderly folks over the head and running with the loot..

I begin to question the sanity of it all!

Never forget that from the time the first airplane struck the first World Trade Center tower until the second airplane struck the SECOND World Trade Center tower... there was adequate time to scramble air force jets to intercept that second aircraft as well as the one that hit the Pentagon.

Oh, they said they DID shoot down that fourth plane in PA so they did their duty. But that was far later than when the first three had already struck their "targets"

Further, these planes went off their flight plans and flew for over 20 minutes even flying over no-fly restricted zones here in the United States! They can scramble jets to intercept a small plane that goes astray within just a few minutes - no time is wasted! Yet large passenger planes - FOUR OF THEM - flew right across flight-restricted government zones and not a single plane was intercepted. They were off their flight paths and were in the air at the same time - all heading different directions than they were supposed to be doing - yet not a single jet had been scrambled.

The result - Two world trade center buildings hit and the Pentagon hit. Keep in mind, there was another WTC building several blocks away or so which didn't even get hit with anything bigger than a suitcase (flying debris from the other big towers) yet it crumbled down to the ground completely - internal support structure and all, just as though it were brought down by controlled demolition.

The official story is that those who were flying the airplanes had fake documents, took flight instruction at our own schools and evaded our national security and intelligence.

If national security and intelligence agencies missed all of this, and if our air force was told to "STAND DOWN" as the planes flew to their targets as though it were expected by our government and military forces...

How can it be that not only have our borders NOT been secured since then but instead they have been opened even further? And at the OK of our President, Congress and Senate as well??

People, there is a very serious problem here. Bigger than people even care to realize! Having been in the military myself, I can very bluntly tell you that the ONLY way the September 11, 2001 attacks could have ever occurred is if the soldiers and air force were given orders to STAND DOWN, that it was just an exercise. That is the ONLY way!

And further, after watching buildings being demolished after they were torn by war... they fall straight down onto themselves in a controlled demolition. What I saw with the WTC towers and the third WTC building - every single one of those buildings experienced the most well thought-out and clean controlled demolitions I have ever seen. Far too perfect to be the result of planes smashing into them.

And now we have a President, Congress and Senate who are not only failing to secure the borders since five years ago, but are now preparing to pass legislation to open them even further?

This, my fellow American, is the most brilliant Mind-Hack I've ever seen since Brains were invented!