Posted by V Christine Bingham on January 20, 2013 at 9:30pm

‘R.A.G.E.’ Rally Against Gun Extraction
When: Saturday, January 26, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Beginning at Union Square (between 3rd St NW and the Reflecting Pool just west of the U.S. Capitol) The March will proceed west on Pennsylvania Avenue to Constitution Avenue.
Why: To demonstrate that that the legal and appropriate use of firearms is a bed rock principal in America precisely because guns SAVE LIVES.
Who: Anyone who knows the 2nd Amendment is not about hunting.
How: By way of peaceful protest to remind our fellow Americans that the 2nd Amendment was crafted to protect all of the rights as enumerated in - not granted by - The Bill of Rights.
For more information contact
1. 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech) - The Patriot Act – I.e. Marine Arrested for Face Book posts.
2. Fourth Amendment (Unreasonable Search and Seizure Protection) – TSA, Viper Teams, Fisa Courts
3. Fifth Amendment (Due Process) - The President’s Secret Kill List of American Citizens; and the 2012 NDAA, (National Defense Authorization Act) authorizing indefinite military detention of American citizens - without charge... - for the first time in American history
4. The 10th Amendment - Federal laws and executive orders wresting the sovereignty of the states.

Why is The Second Amendment so Important?
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free ... it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson
The purpose of the March is education. With the media aligned to vigorously support gun control, the American public is being fed a steady diet of anti-gun rhetoric. Their goal is to pacify and persuade America that the removal of yet another civil right, the 2nd Amendment is in our best interests. Our Goal is to provoke the American public to look at the facts, the writing on the wall, and the history of this anti gun agenda, to see where it is inexorably leading - that the course may be averted.

Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ Santayana
The writers of the 2nd Amendment lived under British Tyranny. They learned from England what was good in government and what was to be feared. This training proved the fertile field for the creation of the most astonishing and successful national document of all times, The United States Constitution. It should arrest our attention that the same scorn assigned to guns of late, has been levied also against this venerable document – as a way to prepare us for the elimination of both, slowly but surely.

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” James Madison
The 20th Century is unique in demonstrating the critical role played by the right to bear arms. Until modern times, citizens were little more than chattel in their respective empires, having not a ghost of a chance to defend themselves against injustice in the face of superior might. In the 1700’s improvements in the fire arm began to level the playing field and we began to see successful revolutions against oppression. Think France in 1787, and the colonies in 1776’! Axiomatically, when governments turned genocidal, it was first necessary to disarm its population. A partial list is:

[1]Germany under Hitler-[2]The USSR under Stalin- [3]China under Mao- [4]Cambodia under Pol Pot; [5]Turkey

‘..Forty thousand Armenian men were serving in the Turkish Army. In the winter of 1914, all of their weapons were confiscated .. they were put into slave labor battalions.. used as human pack animals.’ Armed roundups began on the evening of April 24, 1915, as 300 Armenian political leaders, educators, writers, clergy and dignitaries in Constantinople (Istanbul today) were taken from their homes, briefly jailed and tortured, then hanged or shot.’ Human Rights Counsel
These 20 Century genocides have much in common. The slaughter begins always with the confiscation of firearms, and then the execution of the educated, the clergy and the upper classes of the population, which are thought to provide the greatest threat of resistance. The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting, nor is it about burglaries (though crime prevention is a desirable benefit.) It’s about a people’s common defense against the threat of tyranny and/or genocide from an out of control government. There is more than sufficient evidence of burgeoning threats against US citizens. Page 1 of this document lists a few.

It is imperative to ask ourselves why patriotic Americans are listed in Homeland Security documents as key terrorists to watch.

( And what does history show when governments become afraid of their own population? Educate yourself. Question what you hold to be true. Are you being indoctrinated by media assault of your own basic rights?

[1] Jews for Preservation of Firearm Ownership Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership

[2] Communist Gun Control


[4] Genocide in Cambodia

[5] Armenian Genocide | United Human Rights Council