It’s Time to Throw Political Correctness about Islam in the Garbage

Published on: August 13, 2014

Islam and Sharia are a very real threat in America. The Obama administration has placed Muslim Brotherhood-tied Islamists in key positions of the federal government. Even Barack Obama has been labeled a Muslim Brotherhood member and it is documented that his brother Malik Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood member. When will the gloves come off and political correctness be set aside in calling out Islam for what it is? Now.

Brigitte Gabriel and others are exposing Islam for what it is, a totalitarian political and religious ideology that intends on the domination of the world, leaving a pile of bodies and bloody streets in its wake. There can be no denying this, especially when one examines the life of Islam’s founder, Mohammed, and the teachings of the Koran.

Gabriel’s organization, Act! for America, is on the front lines of informing people about what Islam is and warning of its growth in the West.
In a video distributed by AfA, the question is asked, “Where is our national security headed, when the Fort Hood massacre report never mentions ‘jihad’ or ‘radical Islam?… when our President gives Constitutional rights to foreign terrorists… when airlines frisk 80-year-old ladies, but miss the Underwear bomber?”

The video then asks, “Fed up with political correctness?” Encouraging people to let their voice be heard, Act! For America is America’s largest grassroots National Security movement.

Personally, I believe Islam is just what it is and there is no “radical” or “moderate” Islam. Either people are following in the footsteps of Mohammed and are Muslims or they are not. It’s one or the other.

However, we support all those who are on the frontlines warning the people about what Islam is, its history and how to fight against it.
As I’ve mentioned before, the first weapon of the Christian is the Word of God. When it comes to tearing down strongholds in the mind, the weapon we’ve been given is the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

If Islamists fail to heed the Scriptures and wish to take up arms against Americans, then we will be left with no other means to stop them then to also take up arms against them in defense of those we love.

If you are interested in joining Act! For America, click here for more information.

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