- 100+ Reasons to Replace President Obama in 2012 -

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 6:46pm | AmericanPatriot

-___ Put a check next to the reasons that trouble you the most.
The Constitution & Rule of Law
-___Obamacare and the fraudulent way it was implemented (we need to pass the bill to see what’s in it). Supreme Court review in March 2012.
-___Obamacare mandate that religious organizations pay for sterilization, abortive drugs and contraceptives in violation of the 1
-___Obama & the Democratic Congress have not had a constitutionally required budget for the first 1050 days of his administration.
-___Radical interpretation of the Constitution by Obama and members of his administration.
-___Obama’s Department of Justice refusal to support the Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage as the union of one man & one woman.
-___Up-ending the legislative process by usurping the powers reserved for the states in the U.S. Constitution.
-___EPA “Rule by Regulation” - Closing down coal fired power plants & cement factories, exploration for energy, & Cross State Air Pollution Rules.
-___Obama has advocated that the nation should move beyond the constraints of the Constitution.
-___The Pentagon directs military chaplains to perform same-sex marriages at military facilities in violation of the Defense of Marriage Act.
-___Obama’s Department of Justice has challenged the immigration laws of Arizona, Alabama & South Carolina in violation of the 10
-___Recent (Non-recess) appointments of three N.L.R.B. members while Congress was still in session are a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.
-___Obama’s Department of Justice rejecting voter I.D. requirements in South Carolina, Arizona and Texas in violation of the 10
-___President Obama was held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf.
-___Obama National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) prevents Boeing from opening a new plant in S. Carolina, in violation of S. Carolina Constitution.
-___F.C.C. Regulation of the internet in the face of court order from Circuit Court of Appeals, Washington D.C. stating it does not have that power.
-___The National Defense Authorization Act – 2012, Citizens accused of terrorism can be held without due process afforded by U.S. Constitution.
-___The Obama Administration tells researchers to ignore a judge’s decision striking down federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
-___The Obama D.O.J. refuses to investigate videos of Planned Parenthood helping alleged sex traffickers get abortions for underage victims.
The President, his Administration & his Departments & Agencies
-___TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program)
-___Stimulus, $787 billion of our tax dollars spent with no debate & no accountability
-___Calling America a large Muslim nation.
-___Stating that America is not a Christian nation.
-___The Obama apology tour (telling the world that he is sorry for the way that America has exploited nations throughout our history).
-___His past association with known Marxist’s Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, Bernadine Dohrn, Father Pfleger & convicted felon Tony Rezko.
-___After being in office for almost 3.5 years he continues to blame George Bush for the problems facing our country.
-___Defending Occupy Wall St. as frustrated Americans practicing free speech, while calling the Tea Party ‘misguided’,’ extremists’ & ‘racists’.
-___Obama’s appointment of Radical Progressive Judges - example: Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayer and Elena Kagan.
-___Since Obama took office welfare spending has increased by 33%.
-___Obama does not believe in American exceptionalism (liberty & equal rights under God)
-___Government takeover of private business including: Banks, Insurance Companies, Automobile Manufactures etc.
-___Appointments & abuse of Czar System (previous presidents have had 1-2 Czars, Obama has 45 not subjected to Congressional scrutiny)
-___Appointment of Marxists & Radicals to Administration positions for example: appointing Van Jones to be his Green Czar (Communist).
-___Green Jobs Scheme. ($535 Million to Solyndra & other “green” companies, in return their funding support of Obama’s 2012 Presidential bid.
-___Support of radical environmental groups and their policies.
-___Ignoring North Korean, Iranian, Syrian, Chinese, Russian and others aggression.
-___An ever increasing number of Socialist wealth redistribution programs.
-___Administration has worked with members of ACORN an organization known to be actively involved in voter fraud.
-___Continual Class Warfare demonizing rich as not paying their fair share of taxes.
-___Crony Capitalism practiced by the Administration (General Electric & Solyndra are recent examples).
-___Mistreatment of Israel with a proposal for land give backs to the Palestinians that would force Israeli borders back to what they were in 1967.
-___Obama’s policies supported by the actions of the Federal Reserve are causing the destruction of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
-___Abuse of the Education System to teach Progressive policies (socialism, homosexuality, social justice & liberal morality) in American schools.
-___The number of food stamp recipients has increased under this administration from 31,983,716 to 43,200,878 an increase of 35.1%.
-___Outrageous treatment of citizens by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
-___Department of Justice & Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms “Operation Fast And Furious” criminal gun running to Mexican Drug Cartels.
-___Homeland Security calling veterans returning from active duty & Christians potential terrorists & calling terrorism a manmade disaster.
-___The New Black Panther Party thugs empowered & emboldened by Attorney General Eric Holder.
-___Proposed censorship of conservative talk radio using “The Fairness Doctrine” with total disregard to the 1
-___Attorney General Eric Holder planning the 9-11 terrorist trial just blocks from the 9-11 attack site.
-___Obama’s Department of Education pushing for even more Federal control of America’s public schools.
-___Homeland Security has a member of Muslim Brotherhood on the Homeland Security Advisory Board, & given Top Secret security clearance.
The Obama / Democratic Congress
-___Proposed Cap & Trade - Global Warming fraud.
-___Voting against an audit of the corrupt Federal Reserve Bank.
-___Giving Brazilian & Soros’ owned oil companies $2 billion to drill offshore with much of the oil going to China.
-___New Start Treaty with Russia passed during the 111th Democratic controlled Congress.
The Federal Deficit
-___Deficit up from $10.6T to $15.5T during Obama’s Presidency, more than Presidents George Washington through Bill Clinton combined.
-___Outrageous and purposeful growth of the Federal Government and Federal Pay Raises.
-___America’s first credit downgrade caused by our debt levels.
-___February 23, 2009 Obama pledged “That’s why today, I’m pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office.”
-___Obama and the Democratic Party will not work with Republicans to reduce the Federal Deficit.
-___Obama’s mishandling of Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
-___The Administrations shutdown of U.S. offshore drilling operations after the Gulf oil spill.
-___Gas was $1.79/gal. on the day Obama was inaugurated, today it’s $3.85 on average across the U.S. & could be $4.00 - 5.00 by late summer.
-___No energy strategy (unless closing down offshore drilling, slowing down nuclear plant builds & restricting the development of our own natural
resources is considered a strategy).
- 100+ Reasons to Replace President Obama in 2012 -Muslims & The Middle East
-___Arab Spring (support for radical change involving Muslim Brotherhood)
-___The Obama Administration putting Muslim religious rights (Sharia Law) over traditional American law (U.S. Constitution).
-___The Obama Administration giving $1 Billion of taxpayer money to Hama’s terrorists in Gaza.
-___The Administration requires rewriting of gov’t documents and changes vocabulary removing terms deemed offensive to Muslims, including
jihad, jihadist, terrorists, radical Islamic.
-___Muslims exempted from Obamacare while Christians, Jews and other religions are not.
-___Not identifying Muslim Extremists as terrorists (Fort Hood shooting was referred to as “work place violence”).
-___Bombing Libya while officially saying “ It’s not a war, we are not taking sides”. Total cost to U.S. taxpayers for “not taking sides” - $1.2 billion.
-___The de facto war on Christianity.
-___Implementation of Hate Speech legislation.
-___Obama’s budgets eliminate funding for abstinence education, replaced it with sex education proven to increase pregnancies and abortion.
-___Obama declines to host the National Day of Prayer at the White House where it has historically been done by previous Presidents.
-___Obama begins omitting the phrase “the Creator” quoting the Declaration of Independence – an omission he has made no less than 7 times.
-___Obama misquotes the National Motto saying it is “E pluribus Unum” rather than “In GOD we Trust” as established by federal law.
-___April, 2008 Obama said of Christians that they “cling to their guns or religion” and have no “antipathy to people who aren’t like them”.
-___Jan, 2012 the Administration argues the 1
Amendment does not provide protection to churches & synagogues in hiring of pastors and rabbis.
-___No formal statement on Christian holiday of Easter (2011), but statements for Muslim holiday incl. Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and Eid-ul-Adha.
-___The Obama Administration’s terrorism directory calls pro-life advocates violent, charging that they use racism in their criminal activities.
The Economy & Jobs
-___Lack of a long term economic recovery plan that will ultimately create more American jobs.
-___Failure to support the Keystone Pipeline from Canada providing added stability to economy, and with a loss of 100,000+ potential jobs.
-___Misuse of unemployment metrics, true unemployment is not 8.3% as claimed when those given up on looking for a job are included.
-___Long term unemployment has soared 146.2 % since Obama took office from 2,600,000 to 6,400,000.
-___Black unemployment has risen from 12.6% to 15.8% a 25.4% increase under this President.
The Military
-___U.S. Army ordered Catholic chaplains not to read a letter to parishioner soldiers that their archbishop asked them to read.
-___The Administration Cutting the military budget and threatening veteran’s benefits.
-___U.S. Air Force rescinds “Operation Christmas Child” a program to send gifts to impoverished kids, because it is run by a Christian organization.
-___The Administration is willing to reduce military spending as long as entitlement spending is not touched.
-___The Administrations Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell allowing open homosexuality in the military.
-___The Dept. of Veterans Affairs forbids references to God or Jesus during burial ceremonies at Houston National Cemetery.
-___U.S. Army issues guidelines to Walter Reed Medical Center “No religious items allowed to be given away or used during visits.
-___$535 billion of taxpayer money spent each year to support the illegal immigration problem.
-___Obama’s $2.6 Trillion Amnesty Program for Illegal’s
-___Obama’s refusal to secure our border with Mexico.
-___Obama’s justice department suing Arizona for enforcing existing U.S. immigration laws when the Federal Government won’t.
-___Obama initiated amnesty program has stopped deportation of illegal immigrants captured in the U.S. unless identified as a criminal.
The United Nations
-___The Obama Administration supporting the United Nations - Agenda 21 program.
-___Support of and submission to United Nations laws and policies.
-___Defense Secretary Panetta indicating that the United States must get United Nations approval to engage in any type of military action.
-___The Obama Administration signing on to the United Nations gun trading (gun control) treaty.
-___Secretary of State Hillary Clinton working to implement the U.N. agenda with no regard to the U.S. Constitution or U.S. sovereignty