Keeping them Focused on Benghazi

Posted on May 13, 2013 by Cowboy Byte

Benghazi is a much bigger problem for the Administration than the IRS/Tea party issue, or at least that would be a good bet.
The IRS targeting of Patriotic groups is no doubt a very big problem. Anytime a government agency as powerful as the IRS is targeting groups for political purposes it is BAD NEWS. A Federal Government agency targeting groups that educate the general public about freedom, raising taxes, patriotism, government controlled health care, and tyranny is unacceptable. Just imagine… a federal government that is opposed to groups that are opposed to tyranny!

So yeah, it’s a HUGE deal.
But let’s get back to Benghazi…
Let’s go black helicopter for a bit here. From LibertyNews:

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I think all of these issues need to kept up on not just Benghazi, even though that is abhorrent to all of us. There is a criminal element running our Country....keep all issues front and center there are many of them..They are destroying our Constitution and our Country keep their feet in the fire, constantly!!!!