Saw this on Fox this morning, thought it was interesting in the least. This clip from a 1928 Charlie Chaplin movie shows a woman walking past the camera with her hand clearly up to her face, holding something to her ear that she appears to be also talking into, problem is, transistor radios, walkie talkies and other handheld technology would not be invented for at least 10 more years. What do you all think it was? Could something like this scene be edited into this old film to appear this way? It seems the shadows and all place this woman squarely in this scene, it does not look faked in any way. My teen son says it has to be faked and there is no way this is real, plus no such thing as time travel. What do you all think? As a Christian myself, I find usually discussions even on the evidence of sasquatch is waved off as a no-no subject (believeing in myths and such), but wonder what my fellow believers, plus, think about this video and this idea of time travel....