I'm makeing a pilgramage (if you will) to DC or deciet central,
to see Glen Beck. Sarah Palin will be speaking.
Well all the LIBERALS came unglued because its the aniversary date
of Martin Luther's " I've Got a Dream " speach, well Al SHARPTIN
shut-up when he was informed that The Dr's daughter will be speaking
as well. This about Restoring HONOR, please go on line
and find out about it. Show up if you can.
The main focus is to HONOR our Vet's, and show support to the fallen.

Although it is an NRA backed event, which many people don't agree
with. It will help bring awarness to our Rights that TOO many of US
take for granted. The GOVERNMENT WONT PROTECT YOU,
we must provide for ourselves. Remember legal Guns don't don't
kill. Its the people that use them. Look what their going through in
Chicago. Law abideing CITAZENS have the right and duty to protect
themselves and those around them. Please do not forget,
The leaders of Japan said that they would not invade the US because
FREE AMERICAN have guns and they knew they could never defeat