The Keystone State’s anti-election fraud law

ACLU, ACORN, Sue to Overturn Penn. Law Against Voter Fraud

By Matthew Vadum
Thursday, July 23, 2009

ACORN canvassers are facing convictions for voter registration fraud in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, so what does ACORN do?

Sue to change the statute that outlaws the fraud, of course.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania and ACORN’s get-out-the-dead-people-to-vote affiliate Project Vote filed a federal lawsuit today in an effort to snuff out the Keystone State’s anti-election fraud law.

According to the ACLU the law has been misapplied by Allegheny County’s Democratic District Attorney Stephen Zappala Jr., who filed seven charges against former ACORN workers for falsifying voter registration forms. After preliminary hearings, all seven have been ordered to stand trial.

In a press release, the ACLU said the law has been misapplied “to prohibit an organization from using flexible productivity standards and goals to manage paid canvassers.â€