Action Needed: Stop Senators from Selling Out Audit the Fed

October 20, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Earlier today, Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Bob Corker (R-TN) introduced "The Federal Reserve Accountability Act," an attempt to kill HR 1207/S 604 by passing a bill that prevents a full audit and full transparency from America's secretive central bank.

While language in this bill would permit a limited audit of the Fed's actions in the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and similar high profile bailouts, it would not allow an audit to review the Fed's inflation of the money supply or its agreements with foreign central banks, among other shortcomings.

Additionally, the names of the institutions who received the funds would not be available until one year after each "emergency" program ended, and you know how quickly the federal government likes to end programs.

Click here to get the contact information for your senators and urge them not to support this attempt at stopping our historic effort to force the Fed into a full scale audit.

You see, you and I have the FED and their internationalist supporters in the Senate running scared.

We've seen it time and time again in recent months.

Now, this is how they will fight back -- by having establishment senators who oppose a full audit the Fed, proposing watered down compromises in an attempt to sabotage our real goal.

We knew this moment would come. Now you and I must fight back.

Seventy-five percent of the American people, over two thirds of the House of Representatives, and over a quarter of the Senate support Ron Paul's Audit the Fed legislation.

With those historic levels of support, there is no excuse for settling for anthing less than a full Audit the Fed bill. Anything less is merely an attempt to stop our efforts as we get closer to passage of a real bill.

The freedom movement will not back down on requiring transparency and accountability from an institution that has helped to destroy our economy. This is another test of our strength and will.

Let's finish what we've started. Take action to stop this dangerous attempt to stop the real Audit the Fed bill TODAY!

Find contact information for your senators here and read more at

Let your senators know you expect them to support the American people's demand for full transparency, not some watered down measure designed to stop a full audit!

In Liberty,

John Tate

President C4L

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Campaign for Liberty
Tue, Oct 20, 2009 11:11 pm