1-Eliminate corruption in government:
2-term limits on all government offices/
3-stop outsourcing,and loss of manufacturing.
4-stop nation building and bleeding money to the third world.
5-Moratorium on all immigration for 5-years.
6-Rebuild public schools kick out the liberal agenda.

1. End corruption by banning legalized bribery, i.e., lobby money. Federally fund all Federal elections, and bar any money at all to be designated campaign money for a given candidate.
2. If term limits cannot be imposed, adopting the approach in number 1. above will have a similar effect by removing the key advantage an incumbent currently has.
3. Review all trade agreements, and ensure the trade agreement are in the best interest of all Americans, not special interest groups. I believe this, combined with 1. above will go a long way to implementing points 4 and 5 as well.
4. Get out of the United Nations as a major step in implementing point 4.
5. Include full enforcement of immigration laws
6. Return full control of all public schools to the individual states per Amendment 10 of the US Constitution. Eliminate federal money from the support of public schools, and allow the states to reduce the flow of money from the states to the federal government. Make the schools lean and mean. My old schools was short on the amenities (no fancy auditorium, no swimming pool, no tennis court, no elaborate Audio/Visual equipment, not even a gym [until my freshman year]). What we did have was concerned parents and damn good teachers.