This is a group I get newsletters from I have been bringing over the information here for a while but finally this is the first time I could bring over most of the newsletter the way it was sent to me....

August 25,2012 issue #228

To all Americans:

This election is very clear. Either we will be part of the United Nations of the Americas or the United States of America. A vote for Obama is a vote for the UN take over.

On October 20, Florida is having a Freedom from the UN Day Rally at our state capital. We will bring a clear understanding and education to Americans about what living under UN domination will mean. We will present legislation to our state legislators to end funding to any UN NGO or NON-Profit connected to the UN.

We ask any and all state leaders and groups to join us by doing the same in your state. The corrupt UN is destroying America state by state while eliminating private property rights. This is happening throughout the country. NOW is the time to make your voice known.

Florida: If you or your group is interested in joining us for the last Freedom Rally before the election, please do so by clicking
Should you require a bus or bus information, let us know. With enough people the bus should be around $20 each.

Other States: As soon as you have your Rally set, send us the link.
__________________________________________________ __
We have been talking a lot about Agenda 21, now it is time to see it in action. Never forget:

  • Everything Happens for a Reason
  • Everything is connected
  • The goal is always the same
  • Learn their code - DOUBLESPEAK - permission to lie

The Goal of Evil: Money, Power and Control
Plan: Agenda 21, Total control of human activity
Tool: Schools
Materials: Our children
Constant: Lying is OK, ends justify the means
Result: Control schools
Choice is not the answer, Money is not the answer
The only thing that will help our children is a return to a factual, classical American education.

Your new education as per Shirley Mc Clune, Pres Bush 41 and Gov Bill Clinton 1989 Governor Association on Education:

  • Students are HUMAN CAPITAL Education’s purpose is to train students to work. (code - cheap slave labor)
  • Purpose of Education was to Transform Society from individualism to collectivism (code - turn America communist)
  • Fact Based Education is no longer the primary focus of education (code-Fact based education is the truth, the truth is no longer necessary)

Education in the National Curriculum Standards No longer about maintaining individual freedom and liberty as America teaches Instead education has become about indoctrinating our children to accept citizenship in a future global village which must be sustainable (Doublespeak for sustainable = controlled)

History: Hitler Youth, Castro's Pioneers, Obama's Race to the Top; all resulted in a nation of sheeple incapable of free will.

Result: What is taught in school today is the government of tomorrow.

Let's look at the USA today. In the last 30 years regardless of the amount of money, education has flat lined or gotten worse. 50% of America's children can not read, write or do math without assistance. 85% of the children think the government will take care of them or they must work for the government. Short video clip

Students are told to go to college. Colleges must provide remedial courses. Student graduate with massive debt. Doublespeak for going to college=Debt. People in debt can not buy homes, cars or start businesses. They can volunteer for the government or some government approved corporate job to work off their debt. That is called slavery. Read the Road to Serfdom

Food Service Updates: How much money is wasted in your school cafeteria? Who controls your child's diet? You or the food service? Is your child now forced to purchase veggies and fruit with their meal? Where does that food come from? A foreign country? Where does the uneaten food go? In the trash? How much money goes in the trash? Why? Code- Redistribution of wealth...Your money to a foreign country to buy food that may wind up in the trash while Americans go hungry. These well meaning programs are not monitored and cost Americans millions.

Elimination of simple economics. Use of the debit card to pay for services takes away the responsibility of learning how to handle money. The ultimate goal is a cashless society controlled by the government transactions. Your child will no longer learn simple economics, budgeting, saving and interest. Once government transactions are in place, if the government does not like what you say or how you behave, they can debit your account, impose a fine, fee or tax.

Look at some other consequences of untested results:
What are they Learning?
Money isn't the answer, but politicians want to make it the answer. One recently elected County School Board Commissioner said that he/she helped get vision testing into schools in a particular county and after that schools that had an F rating came up to C & C schools came up to B & A schools. He/she said, "because of my getting vision testing into these schools, students' grades have improved & I call that a great achievement". I say, "just because students are making A's & B's, that doesn't mean they are educated in the manner in which we like". What are they learning? Have they become A students in learning how to be a good globalist? Will they be told to go home and educate their parents on how to be "green & sustainable"? In stead of "father knows best", will it be "teacher knows best"? Even if much of what they are learning is correct, what about the part that isn't correct?
What are leaving OUT of the curriculum: ...our American heritage, U.S. History from it's birth, individual responsibility? Are they learning about being independent or are they learning to DEPEND on the government?
What are they putting IN the curriculum: Are they being taught human biological behavior, socioeconomic ideology & religious or spiritual beliefs that should be taught at home? Are they taught to "go along to get along"? Is their individual identity being suppressed by them being taught to think about the "collective, the good of the group"? Team sports and group projects have their place and are needed, but they should never be elevated above individual achievement & goals. The team or group can never rise higher than each person maximizing his/her talents. The team(group) is as strong as it's weakest link. Competition is usually needed for incentive to be present. The "everyone is a winner" attitude,that many in education have adopted, can only serve to suppress motivation and desire to press on. AgEnder Carol H

Environment: Students are taught radical - extreme environmentalism , they must sacrifice for nature. these programs are based on lies and deceit or doublespeak.

  • Fossil fuels are deemed the enemy - not true, they burn clean without harm to atmosphere
  • CO2 is down because coal plants were closed. Not true, it is because the oceans - the largest provider of CO2 is cooler therefore less evaporation in the atmosphere.
  • CO2 is toxic - why are we still drinking soda, wine? CO2 is necessary for food growth, less CO2 less for = man made food crisis. Doublespeak= depopulation
  • In order to repay political debt, administrations forces untested overly expensive green programs on the children. Doublespeak= redistribution of wealth
  • Car Czar, Ron Bloom, is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America
  • Video Proof that CO2 Increase does not lead to global warming See Video
  • Students learn quickly that a career in some sustainability program is their only meal ticket.
  • Student learn that they must live without advancement so the animals and nature will balance. Blowing dams that provide cheap electricity and rich farm land are OK, stopping water to rich farmland forces crop purchase from overseas.

Both of these programs are disasters. so what is the issue... legislators continue to fund failed programs, give grants to green buildings, create regional councils to 'control carbon" (an inert nothing gas), no matter how much we the people say NO. Either they are corrupt or have not done their homework. The result is always the same...billions on failed programs failure and destruction for the American people, and the sheeple say duh!!!

The real question should be why does this continue? Are you really giving your child over to an unknown person for 6 hours a day for 180 days+ to mold them? or is that still your job?

  1. Corruption, money, power, control. Are legislators now in the charter school business? Do family and friends own schools, texts? Do they legislate to help out their donors and not to protect the students. How many wear duel hats?
  2. If the school no longer teach factual information and the people must accept predetermined conclusions,How do students ask: the who, what, where, when and why questions? Are students just told to accept the fraud as is?
  3. Can the computer determine if the student has aptitude or can think? Computers can not replace books yet who benefits from that replacement? At what cost? Who benefits? Windows 8 will record your downloads, what are they really tracking on those APS? Who is tracking? Read more
  4. Schools are overburdened with social programs. Instead of reading writing and math your children learn sex, drugs, homosexuality and bullying. Then we are surprised our students are illiterate when they graduate and funding for social programs are off the charts.
  5. The Race to the Top (modeled after the Soviet career cluster - school to work program) will finish us off as students will be trained to work in their respective economic district.
  6. College is designed to keep people dumb and in debt so they are beholden to the govt.

The fact/truth is if you choose to read and study history, you would discover that everything described above is part of the determination of Evil to destroy American from within. Gone are the books that compare communism to individualism. Gone are the values and morals that make America great. While they may be gone they are not forgotten, yet. There are still enough Americans that say, "not on my watch," but each year, unless we correct the content of the curriculum of our schools, that will disappear too. Will you commit?

I learned and then taught in school that in order to be successful, one should draw on the experience and mistakes of history, choose the best of everything while understanding the failures, isolate your desire and make a plan to accomplish your goal. I learned and taught that your plan must come with sacrifice and commitment. Know that nothing is free. Success requires responsibility and hard work. Will you pass that along to your children or will you leave your children in the hands of those who feel children are nothing more than human capital capable only of working for the state. Are you willing to sacrifice and commit?
Remember power over you can only happen if you give it away.

How can you stop this? Truth, education and conversation.

  • Join us on the radio on Tuesday - see right for instructions.
  • Join our nationwide AgEnders conference call on Wednesday - see right for instructions.
  • Sign you for an AgEnder's Webinar
  • Read an article or watch a video on You will find new articles and videos every day. Share the information.
  • Send a Gadsden Post card to Congress - Protect Private Property rights, defund Sustainable Development programs.
  • Join
  • Join a "Freedom From the UN Day Rally", October 20
  • Stop Political Correctness - stand shoulder to shoulder with other Americans and work hard for a FREE America.

Your Indoctrination A Must See Video:

Know you are never alone. You are an AgEnder, an American against Agenda 21.

God Bless You and God Bless America.

Karen Schoen, AgEnder
__________________________________________________ _______
Join us on our Wednesday night AgEnders conference call. Connect with other AgEnders throughout the country and share views and ideas.

Join us on Repatriot Radio: Guest this week, Usama Dakdok Learn the truth about the Radical Muslims attending the DNC. _________________________________________________
Some good news:
The Cincinnati, Ohio-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held yesterday that EPA had no basis to find that the natural gas sweetening plant and sour gas production wells owned by Summit Petroleum Corp. in Rosebush, Mich., are "adjacent" under the statute and therefore a single source just because they shared some similar functions. read more

More good news:
Court Cuts off Planned Parenthood's Taxpayer Funding.
read more

The last issue discussed the Small Area land grab: Here is the result of people working together.
I do want to report GREAT SUCCESS in our county and our local tea parties helping to stop a land grab by backdoor Agenda 21 organizations. The County commissioners changed their vote when the people spoke out and one patriot put a full page advertisement in the newspaper. Could not miss that. YEAH WE WON.

These were people who attend your conferences – who listen and learn. Thank you for all that you both do. Karen helped me with the early questions and directions to take the people. The questions Gaye and I got out in the early notices were studied by the people because the people went the Commissioners meeting talking about the money, the growth potential lost, the tax money lost, the affects and more detail . They were not just talking on emotions…. They came armed with facts that no one could deny.
Keep up the good work… One success story.
Brenda Follis-Lengyel
FL Panhandle Patriots
________________________________________________ has a new section called videos. New ones are added weekly. Some are short, mid size and long. Send them out, attach them to emails, tweets, face book. The short videos are topic specific defining words that have been altered by special interest. We must all be on the same page with the same definition. Make some videos yourself. Think of anything you can do to get the word out. Public servants are listening, but they can't hear the silent majority, so make noise. Do not be politically correct. Do not be silent. We are smarter than that game.
This video by AgEnder, Ruth Esser describes our loss of Water and Land:

Water and Land - Agenda 21 by Ruth Dupont-Esser at Operation Paul Revere Conference - YouTube
Hollywood Alert:
Cute song telling the truth....on you tube

If you have not seen the Hunger Games, see it. Notice your new sustainable development, every district is set for some form of economic development. Think in doublespeak code of sustainable development and you have a glimpse of what lies ahead unless we act.

Obama2016 out preforms at the box office.
Read Scot Paulsen from CBS' review
Your job is to take your neighbor.
How do you kill 1 million people? You lie to them.
Obama's lie: I created a million jobs and the private sector is dong fine.
If you are not aware that Obama’s obscene $787 BILLION stimulus program now stands at $1.2 TRILLION and growing,
Learn the truth about the stimulus from Karen Bracken

AUSTRALIA: $162,000 for Melanoma Tumor Samples to be sent to the National Cancer Institute
CHINA: Outsourced jobs to China.
● $30 MILLION to an American LED manufacturer to open plants. It did, and half of the company’s employees are now located in China.
● $337 MILLION for an Arizona solar plant � the panels will be supplied by a Chinese solar panel manufacturer.
● GE cancelled a contract with an American manufacturer of parts for Wind Turbines, and then ordered from China. The company, ATI, offered to match the price from China. GE refused the order and the American company laid off 302 workers.
● GE has used Chinese-made Wind Towers over American Towers at Stimulus funded Shepherds Flat Wind Farm in Oregon.
● A solar power company received $5.4 MILLION in grant monies, then laid off America workers based on an increased reliance on imports from China.
● $51.6 MILLION in Obama Stimulus Grants to build factories in the US. Layoff of 180 US workers have been announced,
● and possibly another 1,600 by the end of 2012. $218 MILLION Stimulus grant for wind turbines for the US assembled in Denmark.
● $25 MILLION for the construction of a “Demonstration Scale Biorefinery.”
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Obama Stimulus funds for Renewable Energy Call Center (could have been a US project).
EL SALVADOR: Stimulus funds used to hire hundreds of workers in El Salvador and the Dominican Republic to administer Renewable Energy Appliance Rebate Program (could have been a US project).
FRANCE: Obama Stimulus funds for foreign-made Wind Turbines. $69 MILLION in cash grants
FINLAND: $100,000 to build luxury electric sports cars
● $440 MILLION for Wind Farms before Stimulus was passed. Turbines for US used were manufactured in Germany.
● Another $100 MILLION to Spain in grant monies for Wind Farms. In September 2011, the company announced the would lay-off 10% of their American workforce.
● $39 MILLION in Obama Stimulus funds to build electric delivery trucks.
● Another British private equity firm received $40+ MILLION in Obama Stimulus Funds by buying an American company days before the Stimulus funds were designated.
INDIA: Stimulus funds for Wind Turbines manufactured in India for the US use. $69 MILLION in cash grants.
INDONESIA: $1.5 MILLION to reduce pollution in Jakarta, one of Obama’s home cities
● Obama Stimulus funds for foreign-made Wind Turbines. Italian company, Brevini Wind was given a $12.75 MILLION Tax Credit to manufacture gearboxes in Indiana. The company promised to hire 450 Americans. So far, only 70 jobs have evolved and the facility will not be in operation until late 2013.
● Other Italian Wind Turbine manufacturers received of $84 Million in CASH GRANTS through Obama’s Stimulus
JAPAN: Before the Obama Stimulus was passed, we sent money to Japan to build a Wind Farm. $91.4 MILLION in grants � 180 Turbines manufactured in Japan by Mitsubishi.
LUXEMBOURG: $31.5 MILLION in Obama Stimulus funds for a Waste Heat Recovery Unit
● Obama Stimulus funds for Mexico. Mexico’s SunPower says some of the solar panels for the $1.3 BILLION stimulus-backed California Solar Valley Ranch will be manufactured in Mexico not California.
● Another $16 MILLION to create green manufacturing jobs in Mexico, while the US company laid off workers here and sent work to Mexico.
NEW ZEALAND: Stimulus funds go to NZ contractor work that could have been done by a US contractor. $817,000 awarded to Connexionz to install bus monitors for the city of Santa Clarita.
RUSSIA: We funded a company in Russia. It went bankrupt. Russian investors bought it. $118 MILLION from Obama’s stimulus to produce vehicle batteries. The Russian investor’s company may do work for the US Military!
SPAIN: Obama Stimulus funds for foreign-made Wind Turbines. $1.5 BILLION in loans and grants. The company claimed it had created over 15,000 American jobs but the company has only 850 US-based employees.
SWITZERLAND: A Swiss-based company received $50+ MILLION in Stimulus contracts for Smart Grid Meters. Cathy Zoi, a former Obama Energy Department Official held over $250,000 in stock in the company. Zoi has previously served as an Executive Director with the company before joining the Obama administration.
THAILAND: $200 BILLION for General Motors plant in Thailand after GM took a taxpayer-funded bailout they build the Thailand plant to build diesel engines for the Chevy Colorado Pickup truck.
VIETNAM: GE builds Wind Turbine plant. GE’s Jeffery Immelt chairs the President’s Job Council and GM received over $1.2 BILLION in Obama Stimulus funds.
● Obama Stimulus funded America jobs used to hire foreign nationals. $300 MILLION to manufacturer electric vehicle batteries after building plants in Michigan. Unions are balking and saying foreign nationals are being brought in to fill jobs for Americans.
● The Department of Energy admits that 11 of 18 contractors are Asian firms. $179 MILLION for parts from South Korea.
From "The truth about how Obama shipped the recovery overseas"

This year when we vote, vote for the person not the party. vote for America. As demonstrated above a vote for Obama ship your money and jobs overseas.
He who does not speak the truth, is a traitor to the truth.

America is in our hands. Are you a sheeple or a sheeple herder.
Visit our new site
Learn some of the missing history and policy. If for any reason you can not read or do math, it is not your fault. It is not too late to learn. Please ask us for help. We all have been lied to.
We are AgEnders, we are here to help. We are Americans, the largest group of free people in the world. We bring you news rarely reported in the MSM so you will hear the truth and make informed decisions. Please send us your stories. Join us.

God Bless You and God Bless America.

Karen Schoen, AgEnder
Is the midwest drought part of a plan? Is it man made to create a global food shortage. Have you noticed all of the spraying. Ever wonder what it is, does it affect the crops?
Something you may not be aware of is MANMADE WEATHER!!!
View this documentary
What in the World are They Spraying?
_____________________________________ During the last few weeks, I have begun to notice a well-orchestrated and aggressive attempt on the part of the liberal news media to “put a smiley face” on ObamaCare. I cannot sit back and allow the public to be fooled.
by AgEnder Donna Garner read more

According to

  • Obamacare raids medicare of about $720Billion to pay for Obamacare
  • Obamacare significantly reduces payment to doctors which will create an artificial shortage of doctors.
  • A board of bureaucrats will determine who gets healthcare and who dose not. People over 70 and or handicap are on the not list.
  • Medicaid is filled with fraud, gives care to illegals and will cease to exist in a few years. Instead of fixing anything 30million more people will now be on the medicaid role.
  • States can not afford to implement this program


Great Foreclosure site:

So far the lies uncovered this week are:
Agenda 21 will protect the planet....
The purpose of Agenda 21 is to inventory and control every aspect of human activity by EVIL elite progressives.
The mechanism of control is the use of scare tactics with environmental programs.
They use our own laws in the extreme to accomplish this goal. The closing of CA farm land putting 40,000 farmers out of business while destroying the food chain due to a 3 inch fish is a perfect example.
EVIL implement this program by creating artificial crisis to create fear so they can deem things not sustainable - but really because Evil can not control rural areas.
Substitute sustainability with the word control and that is the code for Agenda 21.
Planned developments - central planning is modeled after the old soviet city-states (walled ghettos).
Evil must disarm the people (tell your people NEVER turn in guns)
Evil uses buffer zones, conservation easements, eminent domain, rezoning, wetlands, wildlands and endangered species to push people off their land. Evil wants control of the American mineral rich land. Evil needs people out of cars because cars offer mobility which can not control be controlled. Mass transit enable curfews.
Evil talks in code called doublespeak meaning everything they say is the opposite of what they mean. Greenspan was a master and used this to help take down the economy.

Sustainable development identified by by J. Gary Lawrence, Under Bill Clinton: Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many who would actively work to defeat any elected official undertaking Local Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. So we will call our process something else such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth 1998 UNEP Conference, UK

Bush 41 started One World Governance with NWO visioning America to be controlled by the UN.
Clinton used Executive Orders and created the Presidents council on sustainability to put the regulations in place.
Bush 43 funded the agencies.
Obama used Executive Orders to expanded and implemented.

If you look at every agency, NGO and NON profit web site they all implement sustainability.
Evil steals taxpayers to fund NGO's to train our legislators to implement a piece of the plan without knowing the total plan.
Like a jigsaw puzzle no one knows the true connection.
EVERYTHING every program in America is rooted in Agenda 21, therefore every program in America is based on a lie.
That is the hardest thing for Americans to grasp.
Communists are atheists and must remove God from America.
Evil uses the media to get people used to their future.
Evil uses the schools to train their future slaves.

Make no mistake EVERYTHING is connected.
People can not longer think in anything more than a sound bite so they will never understand that everything is connected. People no longer have the ability to make choices so they believe the government must make their decisions.

Closing the Dept of Ed and RTTT is of high priority or no matter what we do America will no longer exist. When American history in HS starts at 1865, America will disappear. Vet your school board.
Charter school, choice and regional councils are just one piece of this puzzle.
Check out the new CD in the store and connect the dots of NACO and FAC.
Gadsden Cards - Made in America. American money for American jobs.
Truth, education and conversation are the enemy of communism.
Be come a citizen Journalist. Answer blogs, write comments. Do anything you can to get UN AGENDA 21 in print and on the media. Try this one
Gadsden Flag cards Get U.S. out of the UN .. and get the UN out of the U.S. _____________________________________
Gadsden Flag: Support Rand Paul S 2122 making the EPA accountable. ______________________________________

Gadsden Post Cards: NO BUDGET, NO PAY. _____________________________________
Are you Prepared? Please prepare like Isaac a great storm is upon you or a fire, tornado, earthquake, EMP. What would you do? Could you survive without power, gas, money, food. Try this: get everyone in your house a notebook and pen and flashlight. Then shut off the power and water in your house for the weekend and see what happens. You will know what you need after that. Write down everything and then use the list to prepare. When you think of something new, write it down.

Check out the preparedness section on

Chance favors a prepared mind.
SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP>>> Make a donation to the AgEnders and
Come to an AgEnders conference or get some important ideas for thing you can do. Become proactive not reactive.
Remember History: Gulf Oil Spill Video Liberal or Conservative, this is the very definitions of incompetence, ineptness, and apathy! Jon Stewart, Chris Matthews, and James Carville no less.. IF YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY,,,,,,,,,, VIEW THIS VIDEO !! Click onto this brilliant video regarding the oil spill. You will want to send it on. View
Senators Rand Paul, John Cornyn Introduce Bill To Limit Gov't Power To Seize Private Property! Read More


News around the country: Joblessness increased in 44 states. Read more

NDAA at work: Former Marine was arrested by the FBI for a facebook post. Read more
__________________________________________________ _____
Folks below is a perfect example of how Agenda 21 is implemented. It is important that you recognize this approach. From AgEnder in So FL. Go the the AgEnders Conference Educate yourself. Stop being a victim of the silent majority.

Plans are in the works to narrow your streets, have less parking spaces, encourage, strongly nudge/shove, you to bike & walk much more.

Below are excerpts from Sun Sentinel stating this is your future if you do not speak up!! Do you want to bike & walk to the store, to work, toss your babies on the back of your bike in 90 degrees or the rain? read the entire story-click links.

The article mentions that Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization recently approved complete streets. did you get a vote? Of course not! Where is the money going to come from to create these complete streets? Could it be from your transportation dollars or government grants(taxdollars)? Highways and widening of roads will not be of concern to the planners, they, of course, know better for you. Do they live here?

Oh, wait a minute, in the editorial, second link, Mr. Gregory Stuart states that he has a survey from half of Broward. really!!! wow! wouldn’t you like to know which half and find out how they took that survey? Did you receive an invitation to the spring public complete workshops meeting? hmmmmm.... I think the other half, who also pay tax dollars, should also have a say. oh, & by the way , Mr. Stuart is the executive director for the Metropolitan Planning Organization.

If you are in Broward County call why don’t you call & email Mr Stuart & let him know what you think about this plan to make cars, bikes, and pedestrians equal. we all see an equal amount out there every day, right??????????

Gregory Stuart 954-876-0035

You can e-mail all of the staff individually if you go this website

i would call your Broward county commissioner as well & tell them if you are happy with this idea of complete streets. don’t forget to ask were the money is being taken from. How much will this plan raise your taxes?

E-mail editorial page of Sun Sentinel put “readers view” in subject line letters should be no longer than 150 words. commentary of 300 words may be submitted. letters to the editor must be original, and include your name, address and a daytime telephone number for verification. anonymous letters will not be published.letters are subject to editing for clarity & length.

Palm bch-maybe you can stop it- call 561-684-4170 find out who to e-mail website with more info here call your commissioner as well.
How may jobs will this create? Find one city where this plan works? Businesses suffer with no parking so they go out of business and you get to shop in Walmart.


"It's more than just having sidewalks and bike lanes," said Bret Baronak, pedestrian and bicycle coordinator for the palm beach county metropolitan planning organization. "we have roads [in the county] with bike lanes and sidewalks, but are they still conducive to biking and walking? that can be debated. it's having that environment with equal access for everyone and accommodating them comfortably." AT what cost to you?

Folks really do want to change," said Patrice Gillespie Smith, program manager for urban health solutions, which helped develop the Broward guidelines. "Broward residents want to drive less."
Which ones? Think all of the snowbirds will be thrilled to get on their bikes in the heat of the day and sit in heavy traffic on narrow streets. Who will ride those bikes in the Florida rainy season? Why not ask the commissioners to turn in their keys and try bikes for a month.

two years ago, boca raton changed its long-term growth and development plan to reflect a complete streets philosophy.

The plan says the city isn't concerned just about building sidewalks and bike lanes, but also about making the environment safer and encouraging more travel by foot and bike. to do that, the city would focus on creating wide sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian refuges in medians and pedestrian-activated traffic signals.

The city would focus on installing street trees for shade, on-street parking, narrow lanes for cars and traffic-calming devices to slow vehicular traffic.
The city also would require developers to create projects with pedestrians, bicyclists and public transportation users in mind.

West Palm Beach became a model for the complete streets concept even before the term was coined in 2003. with cityplace, the city showed that a development could have a pedestrian focus while at the same time revitalizing a neighborhood and providing economic vitality, said Stefanie Seskin, deputy director of the National Complete Streets Coalition.
Wouldn't you like to see the actual survey with all of those names? About 500,000 people would have had to answer that survey, Know

Excerpt: written by Gregory Stuart executive director of the Broward metropolitan planning organization
“in a recent survey, more than half of Broward residents indicate that they would travel more without a car if it weren't for safety concerns. and 40 percent indicate that if their community had a more balanced infrastructure they would walk or bike more often. in addition, the majority of attendees of the spring complete streets public workshops identified with many of the benefits and felt their communities were ready for complete streets.”

Ultimately, one of Broward County’s goals below. read more at the link.
goal pc-1
create collaborative intergovernmental practices to reduce countywide greenhouse gas emissions to 17% below 2005 by 2020 and 82% below 2003 current levels by 2050 by coordinating sustainable initiatives that mitigate the causes and assist in adaptation to the regional consequences of climate change...

action ra 1.5 provide priority parking for alternative fuel vehicles-(pg 23)

Please send article for your state.
The Elite can only have power if you give it to them.

"All Tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson

Your calls work,

Gadsden Post Cards: No Budget, No new Bills!

America truly is the Greatest Country in the World. Don't Let Freedom Slip Away,"After America , There is No Place to Go"

Change the conversation
They are not Bush tax cuts, they are Obama tax hikes!!!
The Senate Democrats show their true colors by voting for a huge tax hike on small business.


Khrushchev: Your grandchildren will live under Communism. You Americans will not accept Communism outright, but we will keep feeding you small doses of Socialism, until you finally wake up finding that you already have Communism.
We will not have to fight you. We will so weaken your economy, until you fall into our hands.
Listen to Teacher push Marxism in schools.

Most important remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE, United We Stand!!!

Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.
Karen Schoen, AgEnder

Thank you AgEnders for contributing to this NewsLetter: Karen Bracken, Victoria Baer, Rose Bailey, Pam Evans, Vicky Davis, Charlotte Iserbyt, Cindy Lucas, Diane Kepus, Neil Rice, Bob Root, Tony an Deb Caso

"All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke