AILA is the American Immigration Lawyers Association. Their goal is to earn money by bringing more people here, whatever that takes, and they view any restriction on immigration as an outrage. Here they are equating the civil rights struggle with the inconveniences undergone by people who made the decision to use a temporary guestworker visa as if it were an immigration visa (which it is not). They are also against the detention of illegals as you can see below. They are completely amoral and shameless in pursuing their lucrative goals.

[quote]I applaud Director Mayorkas for his words and for honoring Dr. King's memory with citizenship ceremonies around the country. But it is also important to remember those who cannot get here or who are here but cannot enjoy America's promise—the victims of persecution and torture who seek refuge in America but have been refused admission; the business entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, and others who long to contribute to America’s economy, social fabric, and culture but are subject to a bureaucratic “culture of noâ€