Al Franken will be a reliable, knee-jerk vote in the Senate

I’m Still Not Laughing

By Alan Caruba
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It’s just too easy to make snide jokes about Al Franken’s rise to the U.S. Senate and I won’t do it.

The facts are that he has been quite successful throughout his life. He is a graduate of Harvard in government studies, so he presumably has read the U.S. Constitution. He proved himself to be a tenacious candidate, waiting for many months for the courts to vindicate his victory.

Minnesota strikes me as a very strange place, politically speaking. They once elected a former professional wrestler, Jesse Ventura, to be their Governor. Votes for Franken kept showing up unexpectedly. I wouldn’t be surprised if some were found at the bottom of a wishing well.

Franken has written some successful books such as “Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fact Idiotâ€