Whether Al Gore is right on all his global warming points does not matter. The fact is all the scientist agree and facts are there the earth is warming. They differ in the cause. Some of them say it is man made and others say it is a natural phenomena. Ice caps are melting and water is disappearing whether it is man cause or not is not the point. Facts are that there are man made actions is depleting the ozone. No matter what Al Gore or scientist say, right wing supporters and Gore haters are going to attack Gore anyway.

The fact is global warming does exist and it is partially man cause and partially a natural phenomena.

Where is the credible of the judge who say there are 9 errors in Al Gore’s movie? If half of the scientist say it is happening and the other half say it is not, who is to say who is right or who is wrong.

The points that are here is it to believe global warming does exist and do some thing about the man made actions that is know to cause it. We have everything to lose if it is really happening and do nothing than to do something about it and it is not happening.

So if there are 9 errors, but what about the hundreds of facts that he did get right and he got his facts from science and not his own. He just put the facts that he had together.

There are Gore haters and Bush haters and no matter what they do or don't do there are always going to be complaints.