Ron Paul – Nearly 10 Percent of Iowa Straw Poll Vote

Saturday, August 11, 2007 -
News Analysis

Presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX) seems to have proved that his campaign can turn electronic sentiment into real votes. Sources close to the campaign expected – along with the GOP – that about 25,000 votes would be cast at the Iowa Straw Poll on Saturday, August 11, and said that anything over five percent of the vote could be considered as proving that Ron Paul’s electronic presence was a tangible asset. This is based on national polling that shows Ron Paul at only 2 percent.

But only about 14,000 votes were reportedly cast. Thus Ron Paul’s showing of 1305 votes is almost 10 percent, or double what sources said was the base level of support that the campaign hoped to achieve in the Iowa Straw Poll.

By finishing fifth in the Iowa Straw Poll with about 10 percent of the vote, sources close to the campaign say that Ron Paul has shown that his candidacy is real and that national polls showing him at two percent are probably a reflection of lack of knowledge of his candidacy rather than a reflection of his standing, nationwide.