"All Ron Paul-endorsed candidates vote against Wall Street Bailout"

Posted by Matt Hawes on 10/03/08

Here is the latest press release from our friends over at Liberty PAC:

All Ron Paul Endorsed Candidates
Vote Against Wall Street Bailout

October 3, 2008

LAKE JACKSON, TX – Add one more common characteristic to candidates enjoying Ron Paul's endorsement.

In addition to supporting Constitutional government and reining in excessive government spending, all 8 of the incumbent federal candidates with Dr. Paul's support - Denny Rehberg (R-MT), Doug Lamborn (R-CO), Scott Garrett (R-NJ), Bill Sali (R-ID), John Culberson (R-TX), Paul Broun (-GA), Walter Jones (R-NC) and Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) – voted today in the House of Representatives against the Wall Street bailout bill.

"Dr. Paul salutes his follow House Members who stood with him and voted against this government bailout boondoggle. Reps. Rehberg, Lamborn, Garrett, Sali, Culberson, Broun, Jones and Bartlett showed exactly why Dr. Paul supports them," said spokesman Jesse Benton. "We need to make sure these members stay in Congress to fight with Dr. Paul."

Dr. Paul makes his political endorsement through his Liberty Political Actions committee. The goal of Liberty PAC is to help fund and elect conservative, pro-Constitution, pro-liberty, pro-American sovereignty candidates who share Congressman Ron Paul's commitment to the values and principles our nation was founded upon.

Liberty PAC wants to send a message loud and clear that candidates do NOT have to compromise on these principles in order to be elected and stay in office.


We need to get behind all of these candidates.