An E.M.P. Attack On the U.S. Will kill 90% of Americans Within 1 to 2 Years

An E.M.P. Attack On the U.S. Will kill 90% of Americans Within 1 to 2 Years

Monday, November 20, 2023 6:41

90% of Americans will die within 1 to 2 years of an E.M.P. attack on the United States. Here are two short videos that speak about the dire upcoming and most likely situation. Even after 5 years after an E.M.P, attack William Fostchen, Ph.D. states that 50% to 80% of the grid would still be down and that he and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry believe that it would be North Korea as the primary suspect for launching an EMP attack on the U.S., and that North Korea did conduct a missile test just for that purpose, which is talked about in the video below “Novelist, Expert Says Potential Nuclear EMP Attack Isn’t Just Fiction, US Should Prepare” 90 seconds into that video.

(410) What Would an EMP Attack on the U.S. Look Like? - YouTube