October 25, 2013

AM Alert: How would rising seas affect California infrastructure?

From ports to airports to wastewater treatment plants, infrastructure across coastal California could suffer some of the deleterious effects of swelling sea levels.
A hearing today, conducted jointly by the Assembly select committees on Ports and onSea Level Rise and the California Economy(respectively) will examine the implications. Assembly members Rich Gordon and Bonnie Lowenthal will preside over the proceedings.
Witnesses will include officials from the ports of Long Beach, Oakland and Los Angeles;representatives of airports in Santa Barbara, San Diego and San Francisco; and Garth Hopkins of theCalifornia Department of Transportation and Roger Johnson of the California Energy Commission.From 1 to 5 p.m. at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach.


Read more here: http://blogs.sacbee.com/capitolalertlatest/2013/10/am-alert-rising-seas-california-airport-port.html#storylink=cpy