i've been following this forum for some years now and i've learned a lot about this country and politics as a whole(i also get my info from other sources i.e. lou dobbs, talk radio etc.). everyday i come home from work i read what all of you have to say or report and i appreciate all the info and sending faxes, emails and calling washington about your concerns, i did it to also. this situation is too big to just call, email and phone. now it's time for us "real Americans" to get out in the streets and let the world see the lie that is America right now. the game is over people, if you are as serious about our country as i am we really must go to the streets in the biggest way in American history NOW. this is the only way to wake up America and really show Washington that the buck stops with us. i'm an American that happens to be black and blacks had to march for the basic rights, but when i witnessed millions of illegals marching our streets for so called "rights" and law inforcement did nothing, our government did nothing and these two nuts (obama, mccain) are saying nothing; then damn America there basically telling us to go to hell. are we planning a march or a day without an American or even a couple days or something, does any one know? where is the leadership for Americans cause we have no leadership in our government at all never did. it's time we put an all out end to the corruption, lies and B.S. if we are too fat and lazy to do something like this, then believe me; it's over and America's over. enough talk, let's have some real action and show the World we run our own country not the government and we're not fools. peace