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Thread: American Grand Jury...
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06-30-2009, 11:27 PM #1
American Grand Jury...
text via phone from Chalice: posted in central time by my phone.
Carl Swensson and Mack Ellis served the 11-page Presentments to President Barack Obama, at the White House for FRAUD and TREASON.
11:49am Chalice has video. (woooo hoooo documents being accepted)
11:57am Presentments in the hands of Secret Service
12:06pm 2 Secret Service, names John and Jessica, received presentments
They were denied entrance to the Dept of Justice (Eric Holder)
1:06 FBI has been served and they are on the way to District Court
3:05 pm They at US District Court. They were served.
3:29 We served Dept of Justice. They will get back to us. We have a judge who will review it.
3:32 We are on the House serving 4 Congressmen.
5:44pm Presentments delivered to Senate Minority Leader McConnell, TX Senators Hutchinson and Cornyn, Ron Paul, and Michelle Bachmann
They are on way back to hotel and will start again tomorrow. If I hear more details later about today, then I will post them here. difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien is the equivalent of the difference between a burglar and a houseguest. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)
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