This part of my email from Americans against Agenda 21, I also brought some things over under the name Taking Liberty The Assault on Rural Land Grabs etc from this is the link.

I am so proud of the AgEnders (Americans against Agenda 21), we can hear the buzz, we can see the lights going on, we are getting the message of Agenda 21 out all over the country. People are not sitting back and taking it, they are fighting with the truth. BUT do not for one minute think that this election is the end of the fight. This is just the beginning. Even the Inga Barks brought attention on the Mark Levin show

Mark Levin

Romney has picked Ryan for VP. Once this election is over, our work will begin hopefully we will have the opportunity to protest and voice our opinion. The most important thing is that we let our opinion be know. Both Romney and Ryan vote for big government programs so watching them is key. There will be no communist czars, no one to apologize for America, no gutting the military and hopefully a great economy with lots of energy. But we can not go back to the death of 1000 cuts.

Now is the time to tell the truth, get educated and share that knowledge with your government officials. Do not go backwards, hold everyone accountable. America has overcome disaster before and we will do it again. Victory is our only option.

Speak to your neighbors, make new friend. It is very important that we humanize our message. Once someone becomes human being to people it is hard to hate them.

It is easier to listen to the truth when you can relate to the messenger.


The AgEnders have been conducting conferences all over the country. People have been requesting more and more speakers. In the interest of reaching more people faster, starting August 30 the AgEnders will host a series of webinars with experts from all over the country who will bring you the truth, education and conversation.

You will have a hour full of information often missing from our history and media. The you will learn how to apply that knowledge to your federal, state and local UN policies often hidden in plane sight. Learn where the implementation begins and how to stop it in its tracks. After the presentation, there will be time for Q & A. The cost will be a nominal fee of $10 a session.

The initial schedule starts August 30 with Dr Michael Coffman

Click Here to find out more information

Gadsden Postcards to Congress: STOP corn for fuel.

The Obama administration has decided that burning corn is more important for fuel, than to feed cattle in drought areas.

When there is no food, who will feed the people? India is starving, so is S America. Do you hear this message? No.

Why? Because over 1 Billion people is unsustainable according to Bill Gates and his friends.

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Many AgEnders have been asking how to connect all of the tentacles in their communities to UN Agenda 21.

YOU Requested, we listened:

Our research department has put together a manual connecting the UN to the NGO's listed in the Johannesburg Accord.

We have connected NGO's like ICLIE, NACo, ICMA to your state. All you have to do is follow the template and include your county.

The 275 page manual will be on a DVD and will be available for $5. You can purchase this DVD in the store by Friday, August 17,2012. for information contact

Here is a start with the manual from NACO. Notice how all this planning never addresses preserving private property, only how to get it.


Join the AgEnders (Americans against Agenda 21) on

Karen Schoen will be speaking at the Sheperd's Gate, HWY 77 Washington Co on Wed at 6:00PM

Join us for Truth, Education and Conversation

“The land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for, because it's the only thing that lasts" Gone with the Wind


Remember the Goal: MONEY, POWER, CONTROL

In Florida.....

Do not be naive to think land grabs will stop at Walton Co.

Washington Co, Holmes and Bay are next. Look at Dr. Coffman's Bio-Diversity NAFTA map on

It is very important you understand your property rights and the tricks used to steal them. Vet your candidates.

Learn the Delphi Technique.

It is used at all meetings to get you to agree to their predetermines outcome which always ends with you losing your property.

For a quick review on the tricks use in land grabs go to :Taking Liberty - How Private Property is Being Abolished in America

Remember, They lie. The Green movement is a rouse designed to inventory and control the Human Population.

"Individual property rights will have to take a back seat for the good of the collective." Harvey Ruvin, Miami Dade Clerk of Courts and member of the UN initiative called ICLEI, appointed by Marco Rubio

Regional organizations are designed to eliminate local elected government and replace it with non elected responsible to no one, bureaucrats.

Burn Down the Suburbs? - Stanley Kurtz - National Review Online

Read Executive Order 13575. Executive Order 13575 - Establishment of the White House Rural Council | The White House

Sounds great until you realize all food will be controlled by the government and big corporations. The food will be GMO and will do ???? Small farmers and ranchers will never be able to meet new guidelines fees and taxes. They will then lose their land just like S Florida and Central Florida.

This Restoration Act is a license to rezone and steal property. Listen to the land grab in Miami Dade where over 1000 people lost their homes and businesses in the name of Adam Putnam and Bill Nelson's Everglades Project bridge to no where.

Jose Fernandez speaking on a radio station broadcasting to New York, and New Jersey - YouTube

REALTORS: Once all the land is conservation easements, land trusts and out of private hands, WHAT WILL YOU SELL? another industry bites the dust.

See this Okaloosa County News Release

RESTORE Act Meeting hosted by Florida Association of Counties Aug. 16

Florida Association of Counties (FAC) is hosting a meeting regarding the RESTORE Act on August 16, 2012 for county commissioners from

the 23 Gulf Coast counties. RESTORE ACT is short for Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012. This is a public meeting with County commissioners from the Gulf County impacted areas, to include Okaloosa.

Details of the meeting are below:

County Commissioners from 23 Gulf Coast counties RESTORE Act Meeting

Thursday, August 16, 2012 10:00 am to 12:00 pm CDT

Wyndham Bay Point Resort

4114 Jan Cooley Drive

Panama City Beach, Florida 32408

Wyndham Bay Point Resort conference center is ADA compliant.


Agenda 21 is upon us and several of us are trying to pull this together and organize a strategy to protect MOST of the available property

we have for future development in Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton County.

You must start looking at Tri-County Small Area Studies
Tri-County Small Area Studies

This is the Tri County map showing the properties. It is huge. Closer to Eglin will not be able to build at all. If you own that

Property – well there is not much you can do with it. Outward has many changes. No more Multi-family developments. Light

Restrictions – height restrictions – PLUS there is a huge Rural Conservation area (RCA). What does that REALLY MEAN?

Who is really behind this study?

What are the future changes that will be embedding into the restrictions?

What percentage of the county is owned and controlled by entities who do not pay taxes? Now we are deleting more properties that will not be able to pay taxes.

Who is going to pay for the lost tax revenue for our loss of future development?

What is the future value of this land that our citizens are losing?

We talked to our County Commissioner candidates about future growth. Where will it go now with retrictions of 1 house per 10 acres?

How do we pay for our future when they are taking away our opportunities?

What is the guarantee if we do this that Eglin will stay here?

Which Federal agency gave this grant and what is their ACTUAL INTENT?

Will Pensacola and Panama City be next…..

Michael Coffman’s Biodiversity map does not show Crestview being a living area. It’s not a black dot…. They are working towards their Agenda 21 plan.

Where is the Market and Feasibility study?

Where is the Demographic and Economic Profile?

How many people at the first meetings actually agreed to this?

Who’s behind it?

Are they elected officials that we can reason with, or are they people who don’t represent us? Are they connected to the UN?

Lots more questions and research and we need help looking at it.

We need people to attend these upcoming meetings:

August 21st – 10:30 am, 5:30 pm (Santa Rosa),

August 22nd 5:00 pm (Okaloosa)

August 23rd ( 5:00pm Walton)


Look what is happening in California…….

The Revered Review August 8, 2012

Will History Repeat Itself? Moving and Removing People in California

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Florida: Make your plans now to attend our UN day rally in Tally, October 20,2012. It will be on the steps of the Old Capitol Bldg, from 11-3:30pm. Bring your signs UN Out of the US, and US out of the UN.


Hurricane Season

It's time to be prepared

Visit our website, we have many resources for you to use. Agenda21Today | Agenda 21 Destruction of America

Everything from communications (cb radios) to water filtration.

NEVER STOP TALKING. Marxists want you to SHUT YOU UP. Hence we have the silent majority and we have learned that too well. We are strong and 70-80% of us are are unhappy. Our job is to connect with them. They will not come to us. We must go to them. Once we become an individual with a name and personality, it is hard for the media to call you names that stick. Can you make it you job to talk to 5 new people a week. Can you write a letter to the editor, call your local new show. IF EVERYONE DID THAT BY ELECTION TIME WE WOULD HAVE THE NUMBERS WE NEED. Do not think you can reach everyone. If you meet resistance, just say NEXT. Click here for some great ideas look at the Presentation and Solutions page for more ideas. Send us your ideas.

Contributors: Karen Schoen, Tony Caso, Debra Caso, John Anthony, Karen Bracken, Victoria Baer, Heather Gas, Mimi Steel, John Slack, Neil Rice, Shelly Kennedy, Cindy Lucas, Diane Kepus, Steve Hunter, Bob Root

Rosa Korie. Please send us articles from your state.

JOIN US AT A CONFERENCE and LEARN about AMERICA so you can talk to your neighbors.