The American Way is God, Truth, Liberty, Faith, Education, Capitalism, Family

Barack Obama And The Nixonian Verdict—Historical? Or Hysterical Histrionics?

By Rev. Lainie Dowell
Monday, January 11, 2010

For all of us, one more decade—2010—has just begun; but, it is already on the way out of time for us to seriously consider and answer the questions, Where are we headed as a Godly nation in the midst of national and global calamities and just how much are we, as Americans, willing to relinquish to government and the ungodly in the name of political correctness?

If anything, we know that God has blessed America to stay faithful and free. The only way she will cease to be free is if Native-born American citizens refuse to speak out to the immigrants and naturalized citizens and all other visitors to let them know that our nation’s pride in—and heart for—America is much more than merely creating a sound bite or some show and tell moment in which we think we might be able to impress some onlookers that America is great.

We who have a heart for our God and nation and a love for what is right—and not wrong—have a duty and an obligation to stand flatfooted and upright and call a spade a spade wherever we find it. Political correctness is killing us as a nation. First of all, anybody who wants to betray America knows all they need to do is to come in and change our known vocabulary. Then all they will have to do is mercilessly lambast anybody who refuses to speak their new language which they have introduced into society to legitimate their illegitimate and illicit plans, and they will be able to shame and blame them into their own foreign indoctrination.

GOP leadership reportedly is now going after the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), but he told the truth about Barack Obama; however, by doing so, the GOP is playing directly into the DEMS hands. In a public speech, Reid had said that Obama was elected because he was “light skinnedâ€