Americans know what freedom tastes like and we are not willing to change our taste buds for a Socialist, Communist or Sharia-compliant America

4:00 AM Awakenings: They’re Back!

- Billie J. Tucker
Monday, October 24, 2011

When the Tea Party Movement stirred inside me at the same time it was stirring inside millions of others across this nation, early morning risings became commonplace. A full night’s sleep was impossible to find and 4:00 a.m. awakenings with thoughts of troubling times in my country filled my head. Much like a mother who would feed her baby at 4:00 feedings, I would feed my mind with research to find out the truth about the problems in our country.

Those 4:00 a.m. awakenings are back.

In the early days of the Tea Party Movement, my thoughts would go to those in Congress and the White House making out of control decisions to spend our taxpayer dollars in corrupt and foolish ways.

This time my thoughts go to misguided Americans who are out of control on the streets of our country and being used by the corrupt in Congress and the White House in foolish ways.

Where did these people come from that now sleep in parks alongside each other and chant inconsistent or unintelligible messages? Why are Mayors or Sheriffs not enforcing the rule of law on these people? Who told the National Park Service to turn the other way and allow these people to camp out with tents in Freedom Plaza in DC knowing it is against the law to do so? Who is feeding these people and paying them a stipend to show up and scream profanity at the media investigating this news story? What secret messages are being discussed between corrupt and evil leaders of these Astroturf groups?

These are the questions that stirred me this morning. I was exhausted and wondered why God was shaking me awake once again. I already knew the answers to the questions this time. I didn’t have to do any more research to understand that these people are either paid to be there OR they are blindly following what they hope is a real grassroots movement.

The research is done because now there are millions more within the Tea Party Movement and yes, even some in the mainstream media, who have found out the truth behind this Occupy Movement. The desire for an Arab Spring in America is being orchestrated within the Democratic Party with the help of the Socialists and Communists and other groups such as “terrorists.â€