Is Andy Martin a Natural Born Citizen?

QUESTIONS ABOUT CITIZENSHIP HAVE GONE UNANSWERED by William Reynolds (Feb. 28, 2011) — Conservative activist Andy Martin recently announced that he is running for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012, and just released his first campaign advertisement about Obama’s eligibility. But there are some things Mr. Martin has been silent about when it comes to [...]


by William Reynolds

Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution states that the President must be a "natural born Citizen," which some scholars say means born in the country to two parents who are citizens at the time of the birth

(Feb. 28, 2011) — Conservative activist Andy Martin recently announced that he is running for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2012, and just released his first campaign advertisement about Obama’s eligibility. But there are some things Mr. Martin has been silent about when it comes to his own eligibility.

Research shows that Martin’s full name is Anthony Robert Martin-Trigona, and his website claims that he was born in 1945 in Middletown, Connecticut.

None of Martin’s campaign websites identify either of his parents. But where he avoids disclosure, other websites provide answers. This genealogical website includes “Anthony Robert Martin-Trigona born 1945,â€