Anonymous weaponizes Twitter, retaliates against MegaUpload takedown

The Daily Caller – 28 mins ago...

Hell hath no fury like a hacker scorned.

Following Thursday’s takedown of file-sharing network MegaUpload by the Justice Department, the hacktivist collective struck back Thursday evening and launched its famed DDOS attack against websites for the Department of Justice, Motion Picture Association of America, Recording Industry Association of America, Universal Music and other related sites.

This time, however, Anonymous got creative with their tactic: they spread a link in Anonymous chat rooms and through Twitter that would automatically upload a program that repeatedly redirects a computer to a target website. When enough computers attempt to access the site at the same time, the servers crash from an overload of traffic volume.

The tactic, which has been used by the group for years, is called a Low Orbit Ion Canon.

According to Gawker, the link is being shared at a rate of 4 times a minute.

Anonymous weaponizes Twitter, retaliates against MegaUpload takedown - Yahoo! News