Anti-communist activist says Hunter better than Tancredo
Chad Groening
January 19, 2007

An activist working to bring democracy to China says the worse thing the anti-communist cause can have is two presidential hopefuls "fishing" for the same votes. That's why he is disappointed that Congressman Tom Tancredo has announced his intention to form a presidential exploratory committee.

Hear this Report

D.J. McGuire, president of the China e-Lobby, believes the next U.S. president will have to deal with a communist Chinese invasion of Taiwan, which he is convinced will occur before 2012. McGuire says while he likes Tancredo, there was already another conservative anti-communist in the field: California Congressman Duncan Hunter.

"I'm disappointed because I think [Tancredo's presence in the race] damages the anti-communist cause," says McGuire. "The last thing we need is two candidates fishing for the same votes."

McGuire says Hunter simply has a better presidential resume than Tancredo. "Congressman Hunter has a record. He has a resume outside of Congress and he has a history of leadership within Congress as chairman of the Armed Services Committee -- something that, frankly, Tom Tancredo lacks."

McGuire says he hopes Tancredo will eventually give up his run, and put his efforts behind securing the GOP nomination for his colleague Duncan Hunter. The activist adds: "I say this as someone who would fully support Congressman Tancredo if the reverse happened and Congressman Hunter pulled out of the race." ... ays_hu.php

Please don't shoot the messenger.

Monday, May 21, 2007
On Communist China's poisonous exports

I've been keeping track of the growing horror of Communist China's exports of poison grain products, cough medicine ingredients, and now, toothpaste. I have wondered how long this would take to hit the American political scene. Well, Jim Geraghty at National Review Online has noticed:

The discovery of all kids of toxic, poisonous, and horrific substances in food and related products from China will benefit Duncan Hunter's campaign, as he's been taking the hardest stance on China and foreign imports.

Indeed it will, and indeed it should, since as Geraghty himself noted: "we generally have no idea what is in the stuff we're importing, and the Chinese sure as heck aren't keeping a close eye on it." Duncan Hunter's tough stand on Communist China was the reason I endorsed him in the first place. Now we know it isn't just about foreign policy, human rights, or trade economics; this has literally become a life-and-death issue. ... ports.html

I agree with the above blogger.

We already know Hunter is extremely strong on the border security and illegal immigrant issue, but how many people are aware of his strong position on fair trade? He wants to bring our manufacturing base back, which means more quality jobs for Americans. The constant outsourcing needs to end and I think Duncan Hunter is the best man for that job. For the record, Hunter has repeatedly voted against international trade agreements such as NAFTA, CAFTA and the WTO.