Ft. Hood Killer at Work in Annapolis
by Anonymous Writer


Political correctness was responsible for the death of thirteen people at Ft. Hood. Of this I am certain. I have watched political correctness at work in the military for more than three decades while serving in two different military branches. I may not have seen it all but, I have seen quite a bit of it.

Aside from academia and the civilian government workforce, there is no place else in America where political correctness is as rampant as military. The rules of political correctness are not listed in military regulations. It is like knowing where to find the chow hall. Everyone just knows.

Press reports indicate Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan grossly misbehaved for years. Not only wasn’t he seriously reprimanded, but he was actually promoted in spite of engaging in behavior that would have quickly ended the careers of others. Many of us who have witnessed similar behavior know what occurred. Hasan’s activities were virtually ignored because he is Muslim.

Politically correctness is a major cancer in today’s military. There are favored minority groups that are given special rights, privileges and treatment not available to non-minorities. Military awards are one example. Sister services -- the Navy and Marine Corps -- have between them at least 15 awards reserved only for women or minorities including Black Engineer of the Year, National Organization for Mexican American Rights Meritorious Service, and the Society of American-Indian Government Employees awards.

The Army’s hands-off approach toward the Muslim Hasan contrasts significantly with how Defense officials have handled those practicing mainstream religions.

Hasan was a medical professional serving in a sacred role administering to the most vulnerable; yet, he was proselytizing to his patients about Islam. In spite of this, he was twice promoted.

About the same time Hasan was preaching Islam to the wounded, complaints arose of alleged proselytizing by Evangelical Christians at the U.S. Air Force Academy. A major Pentagon task force was dispatched, investigated and found a "perception of religious bias." Nonetheless, nearly six years after complaints first arose at USAFA, Christian activity at the school is still closely scrutinized.

Military political correctness is rampant much closer to the nation’s capital. The U.S. Naval Academy is to train young adults to serve in the combat arms of the Navy and Marine Corps. However, Superintendent and Vice Admiral Jeffrey Fowler -- apparently unaware that the U.S. is engaged in two wars -- states his number one priority is to increase diversity.

Fowler is not alone in pumping up multiculturalism. Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen claims diversity is a “strategic imperative.â€