Will Olympia Snowe switch parties?

September 17, 2010 12:05 PM

Snowe isn't happy with recent Tea Party wins and it's increasingly likely she may be the next Arlen Specter, particularly if the GOP gains control of the Senate.

"Congress isn't working right and it's not working well, and I share that frustration and anger. They're angry? So am I," Snowe said as her voice got louder, "I'm angry, because I work here ever day and I want things to be different. I'm here to solve problems to make people happy, not to make them sad and angry," Snowe insisted.

And what does Castle's loss tell Snowe about whether there's a place for moderates like her in the GOP?

"Well there are fewer of us so that goes without saying," Snowe said, but then immediately argued that "we can't be endangered if you want to be a majority party."

"It doesn't stand to reason that the Republican Party would want to exclude moderate Republicans if they want to be a majority party. Those are mutually exclusive propositions," Snowe said.

Read more at CNN.... http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/20 ... ounds-off/

So what do you think? Will she switch?

http://www.gopusa.com/intheloop/2010/09 ... arties.php