Tea party gets organizational boost
e-mail print By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Feb. 18, 2011 4:54 p.m. |(57) Comments

Madison - Organizers of Saturday's tea party rally at the State Capitol received a major organizational boost when Americans for Prosperity kicked in its support.

The group launched a website, www.StandwithWalker.com where citizens can sign online petitions to support Walker's budget-repair bill.

The group will also provide buses for activists to attend the noon rally by the Capitol.

AFP, which is backed by oil billionaire David Koch, will also run radio spots to urge support for Walker's measure. The spots will be targeted in several Senate districts.

In its statement, the group lauded Walker's "comon sense reform to end union collective bargaining and tackle the state's nearly $4 billion deficit.

AFP President Tim Phillips said, "we think Governor Walker is exactly on the right track here."

"We were just on a call with a bunch of activist leaders from the state, there is a lot of energy here," Phillips said. "For a long time we were on the defense, now we're on the offense. We can stand with the governor who is courageous."

"The crowds are big on both sides," Phillips said. "It will be boisterous. Our people are civil and I certainly hope and expect for the public employee unions to be the same way."

"We know there will be a whole lot of union folks there," he added. "It's their right. It's their capital. It's everyone's capital."


More on the Sturday Rally - petition at site.
[quote]Rally for WalkerGovernor Scott Walker has proposed his “Budget Repair Bill,â€