The assumption that the U.S. has found radiation traces from the testing done by N.K. makes me doubt if this is just another one of the many lies the Bush administration has concocted to serve their purpose. Another excuse to sanction or regime change for N.K. like Iraq.

Bushites cannot be trusted and what give them to right to make demands and make up drafts on other countries that should be left up to the U.N. That is what the U.N.s job is.

We are not the police of the world. Bush refers to himself as "the world’s leader" and he really has set himself up to take the position. How presumptuous and egotistical. With him and his cronies, it is all about power. I can see it all over their faces, especially the "Grinch" Ms Rice.

1 Tim 4; later periods of time some will fall away...paying attention to misleading inspired utterances.. By the hypocrisy of men who speak lies, marked by their conscience as with a branding iron.
Ezek 21;26...this is what the Lord Jehovah has said; remove the turban, and lift off the crown. Put on high even what is low, and bring low even the high one."
1 Cor 10;12......let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.
Jer 10; does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.
Dan 2;44..God of heaven will set up a kingdom...and put and end to all these kingdoms...
Isa 5;20...Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good..darkness for light and light for darkness...