SEIU, Voter Fraud, ACORN

Nov. 2 - Expect Huge Turns to the Right Unless ACORNs and Labor Unions Play Their Dirty Tricks

By Jerry McConnell
Saturday, October 30, 2010

My advice to all election polling places, and I mean ALL, is to keep your eyes and ears open for unorthodox behavior not just during hours of voting, but before and after when sneaky hands can deface or change voting results.

And don’t think that these sleazy, unprincipled, conscienceless predators from ACORN, or whatever names they now sport to cover their past sins for which they have yet to be punished, are not benefactors for the liberals.

Also, don’t ignore any organized labor union thugs who you see lurking anywhere near where voting is being conducted. Another group that bears watching is the infamous Black Panthers, fresh off getting their voter intimidation conduct charges squashed by their soul-brothers, Attorney General Eric Holder and his boss the BIG “Oâ€