We've just watched Obama commit an act of imperialistic aggression against a peaceful sovereign state

February 13, 2011

B.H. Obama: Shameless Imperialist

By James Lewis

We’ve just watched Obama commit an act of imperialistic aggression against a peaceful sovereign state. Mubarak’s Egypt threatened no one. It was the great pillar of stability in the Middle East for thirty years. Its government was far more civilized than Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and fifty other corrupt and tyrannical members of the United Nations.

Obama’s whole spiel to the Left has been that he is an anti-colonial socialist; that’s why he wrote Dreams from My Father. Obama Sr. was a big anti-colonialist. Obama has claimed (at various times) to be the new Nelson Mandela, as well as the new Abe Lincoln, and most recently, the new Ronald Reagan.

But Reagan worked to liberate the oppressed peoples of Eastern Europe from Soviet tyranny. Barack Obama has now pushed, and pushed, and pushed to overthrow the government of a sovereign Muslim nation, the only Arab power to ever sign a peace treaty with Israel.

According to the lickspittles of the New York Times, this must be a great victory for democracy. They have failed to explain why that must be; instead, they’ve been chasing headlines, along with the other idiot media. But there hasn’t even been an election in Egypt. Obama didn’t demand an election, and when Mubarak promised free and fair elections he was contemptuously turned down -- not by the people of Egypt, but by Washington, D.C.

The Tahrir Square mob was coordinated by a 30 year old Arabic-speaking Google executive. The Mu-Bros will now get a big vote -- like Hitler and the Turkish Muslim Brothers -- because Egyptians have been taught to believe all of the Mu-Bros fondest fascist beliefs. Egypt’s Muslim Brothers have already called for war with Israel.

Egypt is now a carbon copy of the way in Turkey, Gaza and Iran were taken over by the Muslim totalitarians. Turkey had excellent relations with Israel and Europe before the Brotherhood took over. Today it is an Islamofascist ally of Iran against the civilized world.

When Communists like Lenin committed aggression they re-defined the word “imperialism.â€