BREAKING: Belgian Farmers Have Overtaken City Hall!

by daniel_g4 hours ago4 hours ago
13 comments 2k views


Similar to the Netherlands and Canada, Belgium has targeted farmers to enforce insane climate change policies.
The Belgian government is attempting to lessen the alleged nitrogen footprint of farmers.
However, Belgian farmers aren’t taking it without a fight.
“On Monday, Belgian farmers and their supporters rallied in the hundreds if not thousands in front of the city hall in Hoogstraten. Video shows the protesters chanting around burning tires as blaring sirens go off,” The Counter Signal reported.
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“Later in the day, the protesters burst through the doors of city hall and were recorded chanting “hoo-eh!” at police officers who’d rushed inside to stop them from proceeding.”

Wall Street Silver

BREAKING: Belgian farmers blockade the town center of Hoogstraten and try to invade the Town Hall to protest against a nitrogen plan by the government which could lead to many farm closures

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1:56 AM · Aug 31, 2022


Belgian farmers also rise up and block Hoogstraten. Some of them broke into the municipality shouting: "Farmers! Farmers! Farmers!"

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6:14 AM · Aug 30, 2022

Keean Bexte

BREAKING: Much like the Netherlands and Canada, Belgium is targeting farmers over their supposed nitrogen footprint, and Belgian farmers are not taking it lying down.
Belgian farmers break into Hoogstraten city hall over nitrogen policy - The Counter Signal
Much like Holland, Belgium is targeting farmers over their supposed nitrogen footprint, and Belgian farmers are not taking it lying down.

12:44 PM · Aug 31, 2022

Cont. from The Counter Signal:
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According to HLN, the protesters had previously filed complaints over the government’s nitrogen policy and were outraged when they learned that the municipality was going to move forward anyways.
“The numbers do indeed hurt us again,” one farmer said. “Barely five percent of the farmers are for the policy, but it is still that small group that we feel is being followed.” [translated from Dutch]
“We really hate this,” he continued. “Certainly in a city where VITO even has an agricultural and horticultural school. What signal are we sending to those enthusiastic, young farmers with this policy”
“There seems to be little belief in agriculture. We would like to believe that the city wants the best for the farmers, but then that ‘conditionally favourable advice’ is still a shame… A city like Hoogstraten should stand behind the farmers.”
HLN added:
With the PAS (Programmatic Approach Nitrogen), the Flemish government has drawn up a plan to reduce and limit nitrogen emissions in the future. The plan has already received a lot of protest from the agricultural sector because it is mainly farmers who are affected by this plan. Each municipal council was given the opportunity to submit an advice until August 1, and in the wider region, almost all of those advices were unfavourable, but in Hoogstraten a conditional positive advice was given — despite the fact that 373 objections were submitted against 24 positive comments. .
The fact that Hoogstraten was just about the only city in the wider region to give a conditional positive advice caused bad blood among farmers and horticulturists. That advice was presented to the city council on Monday evening for notification. That is why farmers and horticulturists gathered at the Coöperatie Hoogstraten with their tractors and other agricultural vehicles, and then drove to the town hall in a column and under police escort. One lane of the Freedom was kept open.

BREAKING: Belgian Farmers Have Overtaken City Hall! (