So which one is right? Is Cheney overstating the situation, or is President Obama in denial?

Barack Obama: Pretending to Be Presidential

By John Lillpop Saturday, January 2, 2010

Former Vice President Dick Cheney ruffled a good many elitist feathers recently when he accused the president of pretending that America is not at war. Cheney’s words were immediately challenged by the same fellow who took three days to make a public statement about the terrorist incident on Flight 253 this Christmas Day.

So which one is right? Is Cheney overstating the situation, or is President Obama in denial?

It may be the latter, considering other similar positions taken by President Obama. Namely:

* Islam is a religion of peace: 9.11, the Fort Hood slaughters, and Flight 253 are but isolated examples

* Shutting down GITMO will eventually persuade Muslim fanatics to give up IEDs and suicide bombings

* Janet Napolitano was the most qualified person in all of America to be Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security

* The “Bush Recessionâ€