Ben Bernanke's Counterfeiting Behind North Africa Revolutions

Politics / Inflation
Feb 24, 2011 - 07:34 AM
By: Bill_Bonner

Cereal Wars…and Zombie Wars…

Hey, how ’bout that Ben Bernanke… He’s a freedom fighter! Look what he’s done to North Africa!

Seems like every time we pick up the paper another dictator is toppling over. Where does it lead, we wonder? What would a world be like without dictators? Without them, who will the CIA and the State Department give our money to?

On the run this morning (but not quite given up) is Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.

Wait… Is this guy a friend or an enemy? We can’t remember. Wasn’t he a bad guy a few years ago? But recently we’ve heard that he is a good guy. He’s helped with the War on Terror. And he sells oil.

Friend or foe, we don’t know…but whatever he is, he’s beginning to look past tense. As of this morning, reports say he’s lost control of Libya’s second largest city. His troops are firing on protesters in the capital, where he and his loyal guards are holed up in a few government buildings.

His son vows to fight back. He says there will be “rivers of bloodâ€