Please Tell Me What 'Real News' Is

Posted by Bobby Eberle
September 17, 2009 at 7:26 am

We continue to see a growing disconnect between what is going on in the country and what the media are covering. If we only had the so-called "main stream media," would we know about the uproar at townhall meetings? Would we know about the tea party protests that draw tens of thousands to a single site? Would we know about all of Barack Obama's czars or the endless corruption at ACORN? We all know the answers to those questions.

Fortunately, there is more that just "main stream media" to tell the story. Through networks like Fox News, conservative commentators, and organizations like GOPUSA, the "rest of the news" gets covered and explained. What we are seeing more and more is that these types of new media are pushing back against the agenda-driven, left wing press, and they are starting to make a difference.

In a story on, writers Michael Calderone and Mike Allen talk about the "right-wing media's single-minded focus on a handful of targets over the past months and its success in pushing those stories into the mainstream have underscored the sharp divide between traditional news organizations and the bloggers and talk show hosts aggressively pursuing an ideological agenda on-line and on TV and radio."

Of course, that opening paragraph already shows some built-in bias. It has become so perfectly clear that "traditional news organizations" are driven by ideology and a desire to promote and protect Obama, his policies, and his advisors. The fact of the matter is that conservative news outlets and commentators grew out of the fact that news stories were presented only from a left-wing perspective, and that approach has only gotten worse over the last several years.

The ground is breaking up under the feet of Obama's pet organization ACORN. The group is plagued with scandal and corruption, and more information is coming to light each day. Undercover videos have exposed ACORN members giving advice on how to cheat the government and set up illegal activities. Fox News continued to pound the story while the "traditional news organizations" ignored it.

ABC's Charles Gibson told a radio show that he "didn't even know" about the ACORN scandal. Gibson added that the story might be "just one you leave to the cables."

Do you think that if a leading conservative organization were immersed in such corruption that ABC, NBC, and CBS would just "leave it to the cables" to cover? They would be all over it. As Joe Scarborough notes:

"If the Christian Coalition, in 1995, had a sting operation carried on against it by a liberal group, I guarantee you it would have been front page, New York Times, the next day, " Scarborough said, "and people like me would have been called out, people saying, 'how could you ever, ever justify supporting a group that would teach people how to violate the tax code and promote prostitution.'"

In an interview on his "Morning Joe" program, reports that Politico writer Mike Allen told Scarborough that there is "all this other real news that news organizations have to cover." Allen then took it a step further by saying, "I think we should be grateful for that filter so that you go to places- NBC News, Politico, others- that you can trust and you'll know that what is there is accurate and not speculation."

Can you believe this? We are supposed to be grateful that the left-wing media chooses to bypass every Democrat or liberal scandal? Their "filter" is simply this: What is happening that will make conservatives look bad? Ok, let's run with it.

In Politico's story about the divide between the right and mainstream media that I referenced at the beginning, the Washington bureau chief for CBS News, Christopher Isham, said, "There's no ideological filter that goes on. ... If it's a good story, it's a good story."

Do you think he said that with a straight face?