Beyond Ron Paul, It's Time to FIRE CONGRESS!

Even if Ron Paul became president, it will do little good because he is only replacing one bad man. There are exactly 544 more who need replacing.

by Alex Wallenwein
Friday, April 25, 2008

Ron Paul has always said that the Revolution is much larger than him, that he i sjust the catalyst that set it in motion again, after it lay dormant for over 230 years. He is right, of course.


1. Even if he does get the nomination and wins the general election, the Revolution will have merely gotten out of its starting blocks;

2. His 'Meetups' alone now have an idle potential of at least 100,000 committed revolutionaries (only a few thousand of them, at best, are State Delegates. The others are now free to pursue a new and much larger goal);

3. Washington is very sick. It needs more than just a "doctor" it needs surgery!

4. These 100,000-plus idle volunteers are more than enough to successfully perform that surgery!

What kind of 'surgery' are we talking about?

The wholesale excision of the cancer of party politics from the American body politic!
The Cancer of Party Politics

Party politics is what has allowed the "Gang of 545" to serve its corporate masters by literally robbing American citizens blind, dumb, and silly. They did this by neatly dividing the electorate into two roughly equal factions called political parties' and keeping them busy fighting the wrong enemy each other, rather than those who are robbing them blind.

Who are the Gang of 545? They are the US house of representatives (435), the US senate (100), the president (1), and the supreme court (9).

By framing the battle in terms of which party controls the Gang of 545 and thereby Washington DC, they were able to control the entire nation and thereby almost the entire world. But, now

That Party Is Over!

The party is over for party politics because a growing number of groups and individuals, working completely independently of each other, have discovered and continue to discover the key for returning all political power in America to those who inherited it from the founders:

The People.

These groups and individuals are now finding each other, and they are combining forces. There is Bruce McDonald with his website There is a group of people who have made a movie called "Washington, You're Fired!" There is "Get Out of Our House" (GOOOH). There are Charlie Reese and Brian Malatesta from the Texas Constitution Party who co-authored the article "545 People Responsible for America's Woes" There is a website called There's Dennis Morrisseau who owns the "" domain - and then there are the FIRE CONGRESS! Meetups that allow you to organize your own congressional district voters to "just push the other button."

If the Ron Paul Revolution's success on is any indication, the FIRE CONGRESS! Meetups will be the force in every congressional election to come, from here on out.

The very fact that all of these people and groups independently sprang into existence and into action - is proof that this is truly an idea whose time has come - and everybody knows that nothing, absolutely nothing, no force in the entire world, can stop an idea whose time has come!

What is that idea?

The idea is to disregard all considerations of "party", "issues", "agendas", "candidates", "personalities", and ideologies, and to simply throw all of the bums out of office! No pardons, no excuses.

As to the current president, he has already reached his constitutional term limit. As to congress (535), the People are about to impose de facto term limits on them. As to the supreme court, once congress is brought back under control, the People can utilize a never discussed, but easy to use provision in the constitution to recall or impeach any justice who violates his clear oath of office.

Those who call themselves conservatives know that the "conservative revolution" of 1994 was a dismal failure. A sellout. Those who cal themselves "liberals" or "progressives" know that the congress they elected in 2006 was and is a dismal failure nd a sellout. Party politics is the cause of that failure because both parties are completely beholden to the corporate interests that lobby and finance them.

Question: Why will this surgical effort be successful?

Answer: Because it is so laughably, ridiculously, easy to do!

And how is it done?

All any American voter has to do when the fall elections come around, whether it be in the election for their congressional representative, their senator, or even for their city, county, and state officials, is to vote for anyone other than the person who is now in office.

In other words: Just push the OTHER button!

Fire the scoundrel! Fire him or her, regardless of who he or she is. Fire the entire friggin' Congress and your state's governor and its slew of legislators and senators as well. Fire them all!

Is this insanity? No, absolutely not. Insanity has poignantly been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Firing Congress will be the opposite of insanity. It will restore physical, mental, and emotional sanity to the American body politic. It will be a rare case of "surgery successful, patient alive" in the political realm.

Only the cancer will be gone.

The 'cancer' is not this or that political or social issue or ideology that those in power constantly get us caught up in (by drilling it into our minds through their bought and paid-for media and educational lackeys). The cancer is made up of the people who tell us that there are issues that should divide us, and that we should let those issues make us leap at each other's throats in an illusory battle for the (right wing or left wing) "soul of America".

The true soul of America is this: We the People are supposed to have all of the political power and we are supposed to be free.

Are you a progressive or liberal who doesn't like war? Well, we are all at war with each other. Are you a conservative who hates the tyranny of a socialist state? Well, we are all being tyrannized by the Gang of 545 - because we allow them to make us fight each other instead of fighting them.

Let's take our sights off each other and onto them and fire the whole rotten bunch! Let's heal America from what really ails her: Those 535 metastasizing cells of cancer in our Congress.

Never mind the media. They will tell you about all of the horrible things "the other" party has done, is doing, or will be doing while making you believe that "the other" party controls the media somehow.

The truth is that those who control the media control both parties.

Never mind your neighbor, relative, or coworker who tells you that "we" have to re-elect this or that congressional bum who brought this or that piece of earmarked bacon home last year.

Never mind the voice inside you that tells you that firing "your" party's guy or gal will only help "the other" party advance its nefarious agenda.

Just fire him, whoever he is! Fire her, whoever she is! It doesn't matter. "Business as usual" will never stop in Washington DC (or in your state's capitol or city hall) if you keep on voting as usual.

Campaign finance laws or other "anti-corruption" laws will never do the job of cleaning up our congress. Why? Because those laws are always written by the ones whom we already know to be corrupt!

You are the key to this nation's sanity. You are the scalpel that cuts the diseased tissue, again and again, so the disease can no longer spread through the entire country.

You have the power to vote. You (still) have the unquestioned right and the ability to push the other button!

Ask yourself: if you don't push that other button in this coming fall election for how long will you still have that power?

Posse comitatus' is gone. The right of habeas corpus is gone. The Military Commissions Act, the Patriot Act, the FISA bill, the Real ID Act, even presidential executive orders that constitute blatant unilateral power grabs under so-called "emergency powers" those all exist because this congress and all prior congresses have voted them into law right under your nose and under "your" party's leadership.

How Did That Happen?

Because 535 special interest-funded political prostitutes know that you will simply take it, lying down, crawling on your belly while they laugh at you.

That's how!

How will firing them all change this? Let me count the ways:

1. By firing them, you will remind them that you are undeniably the boss. Only the boss can fire someone, never the doorman. These "officials" have forgotten whom they serve. Remind them!

2. You will let "your" party (the one who screwed you by allowing laws to be passed that kill your freedom) know that the party is over; Oh, by the way: when it comes to electing your party bosses push the other button as well;

3. You will let the other guy or gal you elected by pushing the other button know why they were hired, who got hired them, and who will fire them out again;

4. Once you have their attention, let them know you want corporate special interests to be incapable of claiming the same rights and privileges as live human beings. Go here to see why - and how easily - this can be achieved;

5. This will send a resounding message to all who have too much political ambition, who go to Washington to further their own (and their lobbyists') interests instead of those of the country and yours. The message: "You have two years (or six) to do your job, and that's it."

6. This will take away their incentives to vote themselves pay raises. Who wants to vote to give the next guy a bigger paycheck?

7. The president, whoever he may be, will know that he won't have a rubber-stamp congress to pass whatever law he proposes. He will also know why congress is the first branch of government under the Constitution, and his only the second;

8. The political parties' so-called leaders will know they can't play the "hate the other guy, party, whatever, fill-in-the-blank" game anymore. Their influence will pale compared to yours;

This list is much longer, but we'll stop here.

Firing Congress Is Sexy!

Firing congress is sexy because it's sooo easy - and powerful.

Feel your power during this coming election when you let your finger hover over the incumbent's name on that voting machine screen or when you let that stylus hover over the ballot card. All it takes is for you to move your finger by one inch and push the other button, punch out the other hole!

Print this article out and read it again on the day you vote, just before you get in your car or before you lick that envelope, if you vote by mail.

This is not about "Ron Paul". It is not about "party". It is not about "the presidency". It isn't even about political ideology or about any particular candidate, at all. It is about you and your country. You can either take it back - or turn it over to the Gang of 545, for good. It's your choice.

If you want your Rep to keep walking, let your finger do the talking.

In other words: This time, vote with your middle finger!

Are you worried that Ron Paul may lose his seat if everybody does this? Ask him if he minds. If he can get you to fire congress I its entirety and take the reins of this country back into your own hands, he will know that he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. President or not, Congressman or not, he will be able to retire in the secure knowledge that his beloved country is safe- and that its People are still free.

He himself said that this Revolution was never "his."

It is ours! It is yours!

He just came along to remind us of that.