PETA is a group of extremist who think eating meat and using animals parts for clothing is animal abuse.
Enough already in the Vicks case. The man is down but people want to stomp him into the ground. I am beginning to fear for his life. Somebody has got to be making lots of money from talking about this.

Joe Scarborough’s scandal was never reported. His girl friend was found dead in his office and not a word or investigation and yet you cannot turn him on that he is not trashing Vicks.

Pittbulls are more dangerous than some wild animals. Some wild animals prefer to retreat from men and only attack when threatened. But pittbulls attack for no reason and never back away.

During the flood GOD killed all men, women, children and animals that were not in the ark.
Gen 9;23..animals were created to have fear and dread of men as their superior.
Gen 21; 4;4....animals,they were killed for clothing and sacrifices.
Gen 9;3,4...animals, used for food after the flood.

Gen 10; not authorized to slaughter needless for thrill of the hunt or to display personal prowess.

Gen 9;5..dangerous animals to be controlled or destroyed.
Lev 19;19..cross breeding of different kinds were forbidden.
2 Pet 2;12...animals die same as man but do not share in the resurrection.
Lev 11;27..dogs were ceremonially unclean, unlikely to be trained.
Ex 32;31...dogs were scavengers.
2 Pet 2;20-22...dogs filthy habits of disgorging food used to illustrate unrighteousness.

The enemies of GOD were fed to dogs. Jezebel was one of them.