The Biggest Threat To The American People... the American people?

The twisted logic of US "elites"

Democracy Real and Illusory: John Judge (198
There are two Americas: the people who run the place and the people who supposedly live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Anyone paying attention knows that it's neither and that the people "at the top" when they're not devising schemes to rip off the country or other parts of the world are working overtime to keep their biggest threat in check.

Who is the biggest threat the the "American People"?

Why it's American people of course.

Free thinking, clear minded, well informed Americans were more dangerous than the Soviet Army and more dangerous than a cave full of al Qaeda boogeymen.

John Judge was far, far ahead of most
of today's researchers. He realized
things thirty years ago that most of
us are still only just figuring out.

The biggest threat to the American people...
is the American people?

That's the logic of the so called "elites."

They weren't afraid of Communists and
they're not afraid of terrorists.

Free-thinking, clear minded Americans
are their biggest threat and they act


- Brasscheck

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