I saw an ad on TV last night for the GAP about "holiday gifts"?

Without Christmas and Hanukah there would be NO "holiday gifts".

There would be no reason to exchange gifts in the month of December. I mean perhaps if you knew someone that had a birthday in December you would give them a gift, but no one would go out and buy gifts for entire families and friends and co-workers etc. if not for Christmas and Hanukah and the traditions they bring.

The month would be like August or any other month without a date of celebration.

Personally I could not believe the commercial I saw, and I said to myself I would never shop there, ever, again.

I mean who just goes and removes God from a major holiday founding in his name, especially after how the founding fathers of America, prayed 7 times a day during the writing of the U.S. Constitution, which is the document that help to create one of the most free countries in the history of the world?

Then I received an email with a boycott pledge from the American Family Association.

Here is a link to the boycott pledge: http://action.afa.net/takeaction/gap/

I don't know about you but this is one of the most offensive commercials I have ever seen.