The problem with being a ‘useful idiot’ is that when you are no longer useful, you are no longer just an idiot

The Vacuum Under the Soetoro Sombrero

By Joseph A Olson, PE
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The problem with being a ‘useful idiot’ is that when you are no longer useful, you are no longer just an idiot. When a useful idiot no longer controls his niche political market, he becomes an expendable USELESS IDIOT. For Barry Soetoro this metamorphosis happened far faster than any of his supporters anticipated.

The glossy Barry façade was hastily placed on the century old, rotted progressive framework in hopes of being the final, in a difficult to control, faux democracy scam, also known as the ‘Puppet Show’. Obama was to be the stop-gap placeholder until the final ‘command and control’ structure could be completed.

Transitions of power have traditionally been a difficult time for monopolists. There is always the danger that some rouge faction could become attractive to a suddenly conscious electorate and could actually expose the fraud of the current power structure. To hedge their bets, the elitists stack the deck with two willing puppets.

The 2008 election cycle had a bumper crop of potential New World Order puppets in both the DNC and RNC primaries. The ancient McCain was chosen to play the same spoiler role that Bob Dole played with Clinton in the 1996 election. The plan: get in the ring, swing a few punches and then take a ‘dive’ for the team.

With his McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill, the McCain-Feingold defeat free speech act, and suspending the presidential campaign to vote for TARP, John had proven his NWO bonafides. This john was the hooker’s win-win fall back if the ‘main man’ stumbled on his climb up the peak. This john stayed on the NWO message after the election by assisting the Connecticut Ding Dong with the McCain-Lieberman cap and trade tax and the McCain-Lieberman police state act.

An interesting war gaming is about the NWO choice of the hope and quick-change artist from the south side over the noisy nag in the New York senate chair. In the end, ‘youthful’ carried the day because youthful totalitarians have been known to get ‘re-elected’ for decades, avoiding the change of power problem. Strict constitutionalists might mention four year election cycles and two term limits, but this assumes that martial law would allow elections.

If the entire US government were to be forcibly collapsed prior to 2012, a shiny Barry could be appointed head of the UN and the unelected One World Government. If Barry was also ineligible by foreign birth and did serve, then the NWO gang had an additional precedent for invalidating the constitution.

The Audacity of Ignorance
One of the more successful areas of Progressive mind control has been in the teaching of history. Generations of Americans have had their history rewritten right under their unconscious noses. This calculated misrepresentation then reinforces the divide and conquer goal of the elites. These distortions nurture the demented mind set of many, for example those supporters of Black Liberation Theology.

Barry’s metaphorical ‘weird uncle’ Wright is an example of the malicious mistreatment of American history. In a sermon, Dec 7, 2008 Rev Jeremiah Wright said

“This day, sixty-seven years ago we bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon….and now America’s chickens are coming home to roost.â€