Its all about power and expanding it

February 9, 2013
by Dr. Richard Swier

Liberals continue to demonize President Bush’s policies and laud President Obama’s. Yet when I compare Obama’s policies over the last four years and Bush’s I see little difference. The most likely explanation for this demonetization phenomenon is Americans are wed to Party affiliation.

While I did not vote for George Bush nor Barak Obama because for the most part I consider them two sides of the same coin.

In order to get a true picture it is necessary to take off our blinders and think for ourselves.

Compare what has happened during both presidencies:

  • Bush passed substantial tax cuts to spur the economy. Obama criticized the tax cuts and then implemented 98% of Bush’s tax cuts
  • Bush expanded drug and other entitlement programs. Obama also expanded entitlement programs including Obamacare.
  • Bush opened the Guantanamo Bay prison facility. Obama retained the Guantanamo facility.
  • Bush implemented enhanced interrogation. Obama kills suspected enemies including American citizens with drones.
  • Bush agreed to withdraw from Iraq in 2012. Obama withdrew in 2012.
  • Bush took America to war in Afghanistan. Obama proclaimed it to be a war of necessity and expanded it while committing our military in other Middle Eastern conflicts.
  • Bush started a bailout for financial institutions too big to fail. Obama expanded the bailout programs.
  • Bush started the General Motors bailout. Obama continued it.
  • Bush signed ‘signing statements’ in violation of the spirit of the Constitution. Obama has signed “signing statements” although he criticized Bush for doing so, said it was unconstitutional and promised he would not do so.
  • Bush failed in his efforts to achieve an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. Obama failed as well.
  • Bush ran up about $4 trillion in deficits over eight years; and Obama ran up $6 trillion in four years.

One might say that both political parties are one team with two squads. The only difference is which squad has the ball.

The Bush and Obama Presidencies—Two sides of the same coin | WatchdogWire - Florida